Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
0 answers

SCCM 2012 R2: Email / Alert on component status errors

I know that as of SCCM SP1 we are now able to monitor and alert on a few more things in SCCM. We can now alert if there are problems with not only AV / malware alerts but also client and database problems. However, it doesn't seem like there is…
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4 answers

Puppet: sharing info between classes

I don't think there is a right way to do the following (yet) in Puppet, but this strikes me as desirable. I want my classes to be able to influence the content of a templated file from another class so that we can both avoid duplicating…
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Puppet node ordering

Can someone help me with puppet node ordering, I know how to control sequence inside classes using require, before, subscribe etc but I need to be 100% sure that my node2 will be executed only after node1 because my node2 can't work without node1.
Roman Iuvshin
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Cfengine Perform action based on variable value

In cfengine, I have a variable that is set to the output of a command. Let say variable myoutput is set to "hi world". How can I execute a command based on the contents of myoutput. I would like to do something like this (sudo cfengine…
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Chef 11 node attributes available and ordering

In Chef 10 I have a number of roles which set custom node attributes like "appname": "my_rails_app" The attribute is then used to load app specific variables in a wrapper cookbook. There are different variables and number of variables for each…
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apache2 - read configurations from MySQL

I'm trying to move away from nasty daemons that write config files and need root access to operate. I want to store vhosts/domains in an MySQL database, ideally with restricted access. I'm looking for some modules that will be able to dynamically…
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How auto configure or mirror my dev Ubuntu installation onto other dev machines?

I have a lot of packages and configurations done to setup my dev machine. I have other developers in my team and want them to have the same setup to start with to ensure compatibility and availability of tools. How do I automate configuring the…
Yugal Jindle
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1 answer

Structure for Version Control system - configuration and scripts

We are planning to introduce version control for our servers team so we can keep our config files and code neat. The server base are mostly Windows with some Linux and spread across several continents. Since the main purpose of the project is to…
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How to grant in Puppet a global permissions to PostgreSQL?

Official postgresql module from puppetlabs allow granting privileges on specific database. postgresql::database_grant{'grant to myuser': privilege => 'CREATE', db => 'app_production', role => 'myuser', } this would…
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How to install packages from source code with Puppet?

I'd like to install source code packages which doesn't have binary packages (deb, rpm) yet. How do I stop execution of a module in case that the module is already install on that machine? I'm using: Exec { creates =>…
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3 answers

Need puppet server sizing and scale limits

My company is considering adopting Puppet to manage our infrastructure. We've heard that Puppet is not as efficient as other solutions such as CFEngine. Does anyone have any hard data about how many nodes a Puppet server can support? Is there a…
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Tool to parse Dell PowerConnect switch configs to make them more readable and diff friendly

I've been working with many Dell PowerConnect switch configurations over the years, and even though their configuration console is quite IOS like, it doesn't manage configuration statements the same way when you print them back using show…
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1 answer

puppet environment variable $PATH is not set

I'm trying to install a module with puppet 2.7 on Debian 6.0 and I keep getting this error: returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: Could not find command 'tar' this is the relevant code: file {"zookeeper-tarball": path =>…
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Why is Configuration Manager 2012 creating a SMSPKG folder on my C: drive?

I'm testing System Center Configuration Manager 2012, and I installed it on a server with two disks (using a SQL Server instance on a second server). Before installing, I created a file called no_sms_on_drive.sms on my system drive (C:). As…
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1 answer

configuration mangement on third party devices

Can anyone point me in the direction of configuration management software used for access and distribution level equipment? (i.e. DSLAM, GPON Equipment, Proprietary IP PBX Systems) These devices normally have telnet/ssh but have closed OS's. Thanks…
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