Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
2 answers

2 computers with same Previous ConfigMgr UUID

I have cloned a computer using CloneZilla and the two computers has the same "Previous ConfigMgr UUID" but all other UUIDs SIDs and so on are different. Will this be an issue with updates and talking back to the server? Thanks! EDIT: I removed Sys…
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Having puppet use yum --installroot for certain nodes

I have a case where we are throwing together diskless node images that get thrown out to nodes via PXE and then mounted via a ramdisk. To build these previously we have just installed packages with yum --installroot= install . I was wondering…
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3 answers

cfengine3 outputs directory

I have started running cfengine3, using cf-execd to schedule runs of cf-agent at the default interval of every 5 minutes. cf-execd captures the output of cf-agent (which is run with the --inform option), storing the output in the $WORKDIR/outputs…
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4 answers

Difference between HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\ and HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\

What is the difference between editing settings in HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services and HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server? Similar settings seem to appear in both. For example, the…
1 answer

hostname of minion in salt command

I'm fairly new to salt so it's possible that I just missed something, but I can't figure this out. I am using salt as a command execution tool (no config management so far). I couldn't find a way to fetch configs from minions with salt and put them…
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How to initialize known_hosts/authorized_keys/public/private key pairs with ansible

I am using ansible to configure and deploy my app on several machines. The only problem I have now is that I am not sure how to properly initialize/automate the very first connection to this machines? I am getting completely empty machine, so I have…
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Need a PHP version manager to deploy multiple versions of PHP on production servers

I'm currently running a few LAMP stacks, where I've setup PHP 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 by hand. All servers are running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. 5.3 is currently installed via apt-get but all other PHP versions are compiled by hand. I'm looking to start deploying…
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1 answer

Best practices for software configuration?

I'm configuring my AWS EC2 instances with Ansible, but I don't know what's the best way of storing my app configuration. Now I'm just sending a "" file to the server, using Ansible, but I'd like to remove that from my source control.…
0 answers

Where do you store shared secrets used in building VMs dynamically (phoenix servers)?

We use vagrant to spin up linux VMs for dev, testing, and evaluation servers for our software. Most often, devs are using linux from VMs inside an AD-connected windows7 box. The configuration of the servers happens through puppet manifests. Our…
1 answer

Can we get git-like functionality with a tool like puppet?

I'm thinking about a convenient way to track my vps configurations and to deploy them in one click (or more or less one). I have been reading up and looking into different config deployment tools of which puppet seems to be the most popular, only to…
4 answers

Command or Shell task hangs when using ssh to create a tunnel

I am using Ansible to push configuration. I have a task inside a playbook that I want to start an ssh tunnel in the background for MongoDB. The task command that i'm using is - name: Start tunnel service shell: ssh -f -N -L…
1 answer

System Center Configuration Manager: Endpoint Protection client install error

EP is installed, version is higher than expected installer version 4.1.522.0 Has anyone see that in the EndpointProtectionAgent.log on a system they have been trying to push the SCCM client to before? We have a number of servers that…
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Is there a method of viewing/exporting the current running config of Apache as a single file?

I'm running Apache2 on Ubuntu and the configuration is spread over several files. Is there a command to export all configuration data in use to a single file? I would like to compare it to another servers configuration in a side by side manner.
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1 answer

Managing multiple linux\freebsd server?

I currently have 5 FreeBSD servers that I'm handling on my own. I just bought 10 more servers and I want to start using some centralized configuration system like Puppet. I was wondering if there are any other alternatives to puppet? Are there any…
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1 answer

Image of configurations, processes, and so on

I have configured my local (Ubuntu) Server in which I have all my services with their own configurations and files, now I want to copy all that to another machine. What's the right method to do it? An image of the computer? The OS included?