I have started running cfengine3, using cf-execd to schedule runs of cf-agent at the default interval of every 5 minutes.
cf-execd captures the output of cf-agent (which is run with the --inform option), storing the output in the $WORKDIR/outputs directory, and also emailing the result (but only if it differs to the last run). As you might imagine, with an output file every 5 minutes, this directory will quickly fill up with a large number of files, and it is expected that the user cleans up this directory.
I created a rule which will delete these output files that are more than 3 days old, however the problem this creates is every output will be different to the previous one (as a new file will be deleted each time), hence an email will be sent. So I go from lots of files in the outputs dir, to lots of emails in my inbox!
What I would really like is to suppress messages when certain promises are repaired, particularly the one which deletes files in the outputs directory. It would essentially negate the -I option for that promise only. Alternatively, if I could change the time boundary from being from 'now' to a fixed point (say every Wednesday), I could at least restrict the number of emails down to one a week.