Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

Puppet Enterprise vs. Open Source

I'm interested in learning to use Puppet. One example I see over and over again is user management. According the the Puppet website, "Configuration management – User accounts" is a feature that only exists on Puppet Enterprise. Yet the examples…
Sean W.
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3 answers

Managing several PCs

I'm looking for suggestions on how to best manage a group of 5-10 Windows 7 PCs. My primary concern is making sure the OS and applications stay up-to-date. My ideal solution would be to partition separate system and user volumes, then periodically…
2 answers

Is there a standard method for assigning nameservers to servers in a Windows domain?

As the title asks, I'm wondering if there's any standard or "best practice" for how to actually assign nameservers (DNS) and manage the nameserver configuration for client servers on a Windows domain. I'm talking about the setting circled in the…
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Does there exist a solution for full filesystem revision control where the revision db/repository is remote?

Question: Is there a good solution out there for revision control on an entire file system? This includes the question "would any of the typical revision control systems out there work for this (git, svn, bzr, etc.)?" Use case: We have filesystem…
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2 answers

Packaging a Custom Chef Server (via Chef solo) installation for RHEL 6 / CentOS

I am currently installing a Chef server according to for CentOS 6.2. I want to package everything up into my own custom RPM but I'm wondering what the best way of packaging…
2 answers

Amazon EC2, fastest way to get a node into an existing cluster

I'm new to Amazon AWS. A lot of the time I hear about people folks spawning instances and almost instantly putting them behind a load balancer and into an existing cluster. In the traditional world of managed machines, this would include…
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Formatting data from management database

I've got some data that goes like this: Config_Name Question Answer Cisco WAN Sensitivity: High Cisco WAN Authorized Users: Brent, Charles Cisco WAN Last Audited: n/a Cisco WAN Next Audit: 3/30/2012 Cisco…
4 answers

Software Installation And Configuration Management Frameworks for Windows

I am looking at using a software installation and configuration management framework/tool to automate building virtual images (based on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003/2008) for developers. Can anyone recommend a good tool/framework to use for…
3 answers

Specifying prerequisites for Puppet custom facts?

I have written a custom Puppet fact that requires the biosdevname tool to be installed. I'm not sure how to set things up correctly such that this tool will be installed before facter tries to instantiate the custom fact. Facts are loaded early…
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Preventing multiple line loss when storing syslog messages in a Postgres database

I have an application creating reports that are centralized using syslog, and I'm storing them in a Postgres database for custom use. The database has a specific format (given that the data I'm centralizing are in a kind of csv, each column with a…
Nicolas Charles
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3 answers

How to quickly start an EC2 instance based on another instance?

I'm not even sure how to properly phrase this question, so please bear with me as I'm new with EC2 lingo/terminology. What I want to be able to do, is configure a template, if you must, and that templates will include say a LAMP stack that I work…
2 answers

How to manage configuration in a windows 2008 R2 server?

I'm using ec2 to host a windows server (2008 R2). This server is strictly for serving an ASP.NET MVC website on IIS, nothing more. Once I have things setup, I want to be able to create duplicate copies of this server (setup wise). What options do I…
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Is there something like puppet or chef that can manage dependencies across hosts?

Chef/puppet are great tools for managing the configuration of individual hosts, but they seem to fall down slightly when a configuration has dependencies between hosts. For example, I'd like to have a web server configuration that tries to start an…
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2 answers

How can I configure exim4 with a smarthost via puppet?

I have tried to automate the exim setup via puppet. I followed the approach described here, whiched worked for me for a few packages, but for exim I had a problem: one selection was not correctly applied on a fresh system. When setting up exim or…
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1 answer

How to host and manage 1000s of low traffic websites on a single nginx server

Our company has created simple CMS app, which it is planning to sell to thousands of small companies. Right now, our CMS app spits out the html files to a pre-configured directory in a directory structure like: root: / / …