Questions tagged [connections]

83 questions
3 answers

What value of thread_cache_size should I use?

I'm using Asp.Net together with MySQL. In the .Net connection string, I have set Max Pool Size to 150. If I run the following I get these values: SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'; gives 66 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Threads_created';…
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Too many established connections left open

I have a (probably quite old) CentOS 4.5 server with a custom java application running inside. I found the application was crashing after some running time and found it was handling 1024 connections and trying to open one more socket when it…
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How do I check how many connections are open currently on a specific TCP port?

I'm doing some comet benchmarks and would like to see how many open connections I have. Actually I use netstat: netstat -ant | grep 8080 | grep EST | wc -l But it needs around 4-6 minutes to list the number, is there any tool that can do show it…
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How to allow more than two simultanous sessions on Azure

One of our servers is on Azure and we are remotely connecting to it. Unfortunately Azure allows only two users to be logged in at the same time. When the third user tries to log in, he is given the option to disconnect one of the already logged in…
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Windows 7 Network Connections empty

Whenever I try to look at my network connections, the window opens up empty. The only thing shown is the Organize button. I went into Device Manager and deleted my network devices, but now installation fails when I try to reload them.
Skid Vis
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maximum number of connections Squid

I have a Squid proxy server that controls all internet traffic for my network. I need a way to stop users from downloading big files (say >50MB) in my network. I banned some famous ports (e.g. torrent) but some downloads are possible by HTTP port.…
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Mysql remote connections logging

I need to allow remote connections to my mysql server running on latest stable CentOS. I don't like this idea at all so I want at least to collect as much relevant information as possible. To be exact, I need (want) following: [datetime]…
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On a LAMP stack, how to limit the number of concurrent connections and serve a static page for those who are beyond that limit?

I'm aware of the Apache directives MaxClients and ListenBacklog. I'm trying to set a limit of, let's say 100 concurrent connections after which the new connections will be served a static page. Can this be done? Should MaxClients and ListenBacklog…
4 answers

There seems to be some 'lingering' SSH connections on my server. How do I fix it?

[root@server mike]# w 14:43:35 up 83 days, 1:25, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT mike pts/1 dsl-IP.w 14:43 0.00s 0.01s 0.03s sshd: mike [priv] [root@server…
1 answer

Data Factory Linked Service for Google BigQuery KeyFil Path

In Google Cloud I have a BigQuery account and I have a Service Account defined there. I want to set up a Linked Service in Azure Data Factory so that I can extract data from BigQuery. I have generated a JSON file that contains the various keys: { …
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Limit Concurrent Database Connections by SQL Server User Account

I would like to create a SQL Server 2005 user account but limit that user to only allow them to have two concurrent connections to the database at once. Is there any way to do this through SQL Server configuration?
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Trying to estimate concurrent connections on my server - is this the right approach?

My goal is to find out, roughly, how many apache2 connections my server can handle at one time. I've gone through all of my running processes, including the apache2 processes, and figure that of the 840mb total used, 480 mb or so can be associated…
Nick S.
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aggregating multiple ISP connections

OK, so we have an office in Pakistan. Phone and ISP service is pretty poor there, so they have 2 ISP connections, one thru Pakistan telecom, one thru a different ISP. The PK tele one has a router that cannot be changed (so they tell me), the other…
David Shields
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How can I connect to some old Sun servers?

We have some old Sun servers (V125, V210, V240, T2000 amongst others) sitting unused and I've been asked to find out if there is anything useful on them before they get wiped and disposed of. However, I've been unable to connect to any of the…
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CentOS 6.2: apache stops accepting connections

I have server with CentOS 6.2, apache 2.2, php 5.3, mysql 5.1. Server is installed in KVM container. From time to time apache stalls. It just stops accepting connections. Looks like it reaches ServerLimit and keep accepted connections opened. The…
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