Questions tagged [jmeter]

Apache JMeter is open source software, a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions.

Apache JMeter can load and performance test many different types of requests:

• web-services: SOAP/XML-RPC
• database: JDBC
• mail: POP3(S), IMAP(S), SMTP

JMeter can also be configured as a monitor, although this is typically considered an ad-hoc solution in lieu of advanced monitoring solutions.

JMeter supports variable parameterization, assertions (response validation), per thread cookies, configuration Variables and a variety of reports.

Full multithreading framework allows concurrent sampling by many threads and simultaneous sampling of different functions by separate thread groups.

60 questions
5 answers

What are the best techniques for preventing denial of service attacks?

Currently I have been using (D)DoS-Deflate to manage such situations on numerous remote servers, along with Apache JMeter for load testing. Overall it has been working fairly well, although I'd like to hear some suggestions from gurus who have been…
John T
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2 answers

Linux top command. Memory usage

I am testing my web server with Jmeter. I launch 40 users test, then dump top command. What i see, is 40 (+1 host) apache processes. Each process uses appr. 7mb of RES memory. But 7*40 is 280 mb of memory. But top shows that there are 508mb total…
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3 answers

AWS ELB - Stress test - Transient Error

I'm doing stress testing of our system. Currently we have 5 m1.large instances running behind ELB, sitting in east region. In west region, there are 3 small instances (with JMeter) that I use to hammer the system. While doing a test that only pushes…
1 answer

apache mpm_worker server failed to respond

I'm trying to update our current Apache 2.4.9 configuration from using prefork to worker mpm. I'm doing some simple load testing using jmeter to compare the performance between the 2. My first test is pretty simple, just get a single gif image using…
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2 answers

What would cause a PHP app to segfault intermittently under load?

Posted this on stackoverflow but it seems more relevant over here... I'm doing some load testing (using jMeter) on a PHP app (it's a symfony app, if that matters). I've tested it under both apache/mod_php and nginx/php_fpm setups, and with multiple…
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1 answer

JMeter Stress testing

MAMP server hosting a Joomla instance. I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on the best way to stress test the server and find it's breaking point on concurrent users etc. Currently I have setup a test plan which I have going to the home page,…
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1 answer

IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection in Jmeter load test

I'm doing a load test to Web Service SOAP with Jmeter, on non-GUI mode I start to get errors since 300 Number of Threads, this was detected with a "Response Assertion" with this rule: "Test failed: text expected not to contain /"rta":"FAIL"/". On…
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1 answer

Capturing HTTP requests for JMeter Raw Data Source

I'm trying to capture raw http requests for re-playing it later using JMeter and Raw Data Source plugin. I've tried tshark/tcpdump but it captures the whole TCP data which I dont need, moreover, it cannot save such format to the file, I dont want to…
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1 answer

Jmeter distributed testing over ssh tunnel

While configuring jmeter distributed testing i faced a problem of remote connection to servers which are behind NAT. Node with jmeter client has external ip, all servers are in different LANs behind NAT with no possibility of direct port…
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2 answers

Unable to run shell script file from jmeter

I am trying to run one shell script file from jmeter. My jmeter version is 2.11. I am using OS Process Sampler to run shell commands. sh is my command and working directory is /root/. File is present under root directory. Above command…
Kaustubh Khare
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2 answers

CPU, Memory, Network, IO resources are under utilized when I tried various JMeter load testing

I am trying to assess the performance of my web server which has Linux and Apache. I tried load testing using JMeter, and gradually increased the number of requests and recorded the response time as well as resource utilization stats. The response…
1 answer

Apache optimization - prefork MPM

I read many posts regarding the Apache configuration, and tried to find the best values for our servers. To make sure what's best I used JMeter to simulate 2100 connections per second. After many rounds of fine tuning i got to the following…
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3 answers

Automated Load/Stress testing via a continuous integration server

My company currently has stress tests that are run manually through JMeter. We also use TeamCity for automation of JUnit testing. It's become clear that we need to automate our stress testing as well to provide more generalized testing of our entire…
Casey Jordan
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1 answer

How to monitor cloud system metrics through grafana

I have a system configured with telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana in one machine. Now i need to collect server metrics for ubuntu servers which is deployed in cloud and need to plot in grafana. My question here is : Can i collect the metrics through…
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1 answer

Why would F5 return a valid cookie followed by null value?

I have two AEM servers behind F5. The JMeter script is getting a valid cookie from the first server whereas the script is getting a valid cookie followed by a null value. Because of this behavior, the requests to the second server were erroring…
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