Questions tagged [com]

COM - Microsoft Component Object Model

COM is a binary standard for the communication between software components proposed by Microsoft.

It is e.g. used to launch and control Office applications from third party applications.

Find a full description in this Wikipedia article.

32 questions
2 answers

What does regsvr32 do?

To register a DLL file on a windows server using regsvr32, do you first need to move the file to your system32 folder or is that actually done automatically once you call the regsvr32 command? If I just drop a dll file on my desktop and register it…
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2 answers

Server.CreateObject_Failed error when creating a COM object on IIS7 using classic ASP

I am trying to migrate a classic ASP application from a Windows Server 2003, IIS6 server to a Windows 2008, IIS 7 server. The ASP page comes up fine, but the first time it tries to use our .NET interop DLL, it fails with the following error in the…
14 answers

Issues moving an IIS site from w2k to w2k3

Old server is windows 2000, and the original setup guy's answer to pretty much everything was C:\ --> Everyone --> Full Control. However, there WAS a setup doc, that seemed to work up to a point. Created a local admin com user Created COM+…
Kara Marfia
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1 answer

Set the username and password for DCOM application

Is there a way to run a script against a remote machine to enter the username and password for a specific DCOM application? Locally on the server, I can open up Command Prompt, and type: dcomperm -runas {12345678-1234-1234-1234-00aa00bbf7c7}…
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3 answers

How to retrieve names of all private MSMQ queues - efficiently?

How can I retrieve the names of all of the private MSMQ queues on the local machine, without using System.Messaging.MessageQueue.GetPrivateQueuesByMachine(".")? I'm using PowerShell so any solution using COM, WMI, or .NET is acceptable, although the…
Damian Powell
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1 answer

Visual Studio's Just-In-Time Debugger window appears in randomly chosen RDP Session

On a Windows Server 2008 R2 Server with Remote Desktop Services installed and multiple users logged on, the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger window may appear on any RDP session, not necessarily the session whose actions caused the error. The…
1 answer

Complus error (Event ID 4689) on server (IIS)

Yesterday I started getting server too busy errors on some websites we are hosting on our webserver. So I logged on the server and took a look at the event viewer About 4 times / minute im getting this error: Log Name : Application Source :…
1 answer

Powershell: Pass parameter by name toa com object function

How can I pass parameters to a com-object function by name rather than by position? Specifically, I've a com-object function (Word document com-object SaveAs2) and for example I want to pass values to the 2 first parameters and to the last parameter…
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4 answers

Com DLL becomes unregistered at random

We have a VB6 application that uses a COM object to communicate with an email package. The app runs autonomously and every once in a blue moon the COM DLL seems to become unregistered. A quick call to RegSvr32 and the system is back to happy. We…
Dan Blair
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1 answer

change Access Permissions in Component Services > COM Security with script/api?

How do I go about changing the Access Permissions for the COM Security? I need to write new values to "Edit Limits..." and "Edit Default..."
1 answer

PowerShell - Invoke-WmiMethod : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

I have 2 workgroup computers. I want to setup powershell-remoting between these two computers. The OS on both the computer is windows 1809. Powershell remoting is enabled in one of the computer. Other computer can't be accessed directly to enable…
Harshith R
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1 answer

Why is my application running OK manually, but when I run it in Task Scheduler, it errors out?

I have an application that works on my old Windows 2008 R2 server in Task Scheduler very nicely. It reads data from one web service and then writes some data to another Web Service (so it needs network access). It has been running equally well in…
0 answers

DCOM Security Settings not exported with secedit

I've got a problem with exporting the DCOM-settings. I call secedit /export /cfg C:\UserAccess\config.txt This should export the COM and DCOM settings. But I don't get all of the settings. For example Act as a part of the operatingsystem…
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5 answers

Server.CreateObject Fails when calling .Net object from ASP on 64-bit windows in IIS 32-bit mode

I have a server running Windows 2003 64-bit, that runs IIS in 32-bit mode. I have a COM object that was registered using the following command: C:\WINDOWS\\Framework\v2.0.50727>regasm D:\Path\To\MyDll.dll /tlb:MyTLB.tlb /codebase When…
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0 answers

Why is Last Windows Update date not set in Registry when Updating via COMObject?

When i manually Update a Windows Machine (W2K3) via the yellow icon in the Taskbar, i can get the last Install date via the Registry: (Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto…
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