Questions tagged [com]

COM - Microsoft Component Object Model

COM is a binary standard for the communication between software components proposed by Microsoft.

It is e.g. used to launch and control Office applications from third party applications.

Find a full description in this Wikipedia article.

32 questions
1 answer

How to redirect a Hyper-V COM port named pipe to a file?

I would like to redirect the serial port output on RedHat 5.7 to some recordable or reviewable medium. The normal way to do this on a physical machine is to add the console parameters to the kernel in grub like what's below, connect it to another…
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0 answers

Accessing Outlook Address Book

I have a Delphi XE app and I'd like to pop up the address book dialog that Outlook uses from within my Delphi app - I assume there are COM classes to support this? What's the best way to get this done? Platform is Win7-64 with Outlook 2010. TIA
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1 answer

Run java software from OpenVMS

I have a .com file that starts a java software from OpenVMS. Now I need to add the following option to the .com script: set process/parse=extended But it doesn't work! set process/parse_style=extended java myjavafile Returns a: %SKP-DATA: (Records…
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1 answer

How do I allow accessing COM components through IIS service?

What is the best way to allow a user connecting to an IIS service to run a process that instantiates COM objects? Running a COM-based process on the machine with an admin account works fine. However, hosting the application in IIS throws the…
Jordan Parmer
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1 answer

Error Code 80070569 configuring Windows DCOM Identity with domain user

I have a COM application instantiated by a local Windows service with which I would like to gain access to a network share. To achieve this, I simply attempted to configure my COM server to run as a domain user with access to that share: I go to the…
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2 answers

Can't load MSMQ COM Object on Windows Server 2012

My VBScript tries to load MSMQ COM Object Set MSMQQueueInfo = CreateObject("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo") I enabled Messaging DCOM Proxy Script can't load COM object:
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1 answer

System Center Configuration Manager Installation Access is denied

How to resolve the error during installation of System Center Configuration Manager 2012 with a external MSSQL 2012 Database? Error Log 2/12/2016 7:33:26 AM: ConfigMgrSetupWizard Information: 1 : Reading wmi to get Clustered SQL information on…
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1 answer

Setting COM permissions

Our little COM library is getting the dreaded 80004005 error on a customer's new computer. I recall this has to do with COM permissions, but for the life of me I can't find these any more on this machine. It's running Server 2008, can anyone point…
2 answers

PowerShell script can't open a file when run as a scheduled task

My PowerShell (2.0) script has the following code snippet: $fileName = "c:\reports\1.xlsx" $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application $xlFormat = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.excel.XlFileFormat]::xlWorkbookDefault $xl.displayalerts =…
Michael Cornn
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1 answer

Is there a way to determine what custom com+ objects are no longer in use?

What ways are available to see if a custom COM+ application is no longer in use? I'm with a company that has been doing custom software development for nearly 20 years. They have a lot of older, undocumented COM objects and ASP applications that…
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2 answers

Win XP vs Win7, when sending credentials to the remote server, is there a difference?

On a 2003 windows server I have a com+ application which is available to its clients on everybody, anonymous permissions. Windows XP machnes doesn't have problems with accessing, activating, lanuching com+ object, however windows 7 client has some…
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3 answers

Fatal error: Class 'COM' not found in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test.php on line 22

There is an IIS 7 webserver and PHP 5.3 I have set com.allow_dcom = true on php.ini file and restarted the webserver. I need to use hmailserver by: $obBaseApp = new COM("hMailServer.Application"); It says: Fatal error: Class 'COM' not found in…
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1 answer

List and compare objects in active directory

I have to clean up computer objects in our AD, and as all computernames has the username included (like pcuser1, nbuser2 and so on), I'm trying to figure out how to generate a complete AD userlist and then compare it to a complete computername list.…
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1 answer

Virtual COM for Mac OS

IS there a way to create virtual COM ports in Mac OS and connect them to eachother?
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4 answers

Will Any Popular Root CA Sign a host.domain.local Certificate?

My boss refuses to allow private IP addresses into a public DNS definition. So I am unable to put the private SVN box IP ( into a .com DNS record. It exists only at svn.ourcompany.local I don't mind this, ultimately, except when…
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