Old server is windows 2000, and the original setup guy's answer to pretty much everything was C:\ --> Everyone --> Full Control. However, there WAS a setup doc, that seemed to work up to a point.
- Created a local admin com user
- Created COM+ applications referencing that user and some dll's supplied with the site
- Installed .net versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 (I've tried running under each version, no change in error)
Server object error 'ASP 0178 : 80070005' Server.CreateObject Access Error /Include/fnLookups.asp, line 10 The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.
Line 10 appears to be:
set objClient = Server.CreateObject("fooUser.CfooUser")
I trundle off to the System log and I have:
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {280D5CF7-80A4-40AC-844C-FE3653F02FF1} to the user mydomain\myusername SID (mySID). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
This is progress of sorts, it's picking up the COM app and my ID just fine. I added myself to the "Access Permissions" and "Launch & Activation Permissions" of the My Computer object in dcomdnfg - but my barking seems to be directed at the wrong tree.
I ran through mskb198432 as well as I could, though it seems directed at an earlier version, but no joy there, either.
Any ideas are welcome.
Edit - list of suggestions tried
- Ruled out the x64 difference, running in x32 with the same issue.
- ruled out file permissions
- "give Everyone Local Launch and Activation permissions to be sure it's a COM permissions issue" - done, no joy
- IIS5 Isolation mode enabled
Edit - Is there anything I can look into on the old windows 2k server that may lend some insight?