Questions tagged [cloud-storage]

Online storage of files, hosted by third party providers.

87 questions
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Export 20TB from Amazon S3

I have recently inherited 20TB of data after a company takeover. The files are currently stored on an Amazon S3 account which is due to close. What would be the most cost effective method of exporting all of this data and storing either locally on…
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Sudden Disk Issues During Database Restore

Environment: Azure Windows 2016 VM with SQL Server 2016 Standard installed Machine Size: DS12_v2 (previously DS3_v2, which is the same except for less RAM) 4-cores 28 GB RAM 14 GB RAM for SqlServer Premium Storage Data files on P40 Log files on…
Marc S
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Google Cloud auth access key secret key?

Apologies for probably a basic question. Getting started with Google Cloud and require the access key and secret key to test online backups to Google Storage using Backup Exec 2015, however I can't find any clear instructions on how to obtain/create…
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Azure blob storage custom domain verification - Azure telling me to create CNAME for non-existent address

I want to assign a custom domain name to my Azure blob storage account. In the custom domain setup page it says: You can map a custom subdomain name to your Blob service endpoint. Windows Azure must verify that you are authorized to modify DNS…
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Strange Disk Benchmarking results for our storage, how to explain?

I recently tested the storage we got from our hosting provider. I don't know what raid config or how many disks the storage contains of. I used Atto Disk Benchmark which sends smaller and bigger files, please see the attached image. I was expecting…
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Easy way to share a drive with password protected directories?

We have 50 computers that students share. Is there an easy way to have student folders on a single drive on the network where each student has a password? Students need to be able to go to any computer and access their password-protected…
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Change Azure VM Temporary Storage size

Is there any way in which we could increase the storage of an azure's virtual machine by decreasing the temporary storage? We currently have 126GB of disk storage and 312 GB of temporary storage.
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Most efficient way to setup massive high-availability storage in Azure to work with multiple VMs?

I'm looking into various options for setting up massive high-availability storage in Windows Azure, to use together with my Azure VMs. The VMs need to be able to work with the storage as if were a file system. Let's say that I have three VM's…
4 answers

Need to make a storage that keeps growing in size

First, due to security reasons and others I wont be able to make use of S3, or other similar solution. I have a a storage server in which I have a 1TB had disk. I have a Mysql server running in it. Data is contentiously begin added to the database…
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What is the best private cloud storage setup

I need to create a private cloud and I'm searching for the best setup. These are my 2 most important requirements 1. Disk and system redundant 2. Price / GB as low as possible The system is going to be used as backup setup which will receive data…
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Fastest reliable way to transfer 100GB files globally?

Our latest project at work involves sending 100GB+ files from our office in Dallas to our client in Australia. I've been asked to put together the fastest, most reliable way of transferring these files. Usually this would be no sweat, but when they…
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2 answers

Windows Azure Blob Storage Data Migration

I would like to back up the files I currently have in Azure Blob Storage and move them elsewhere. The problem is that pulling them one by one would take me several weeks, even within the same datacenter (not to mention the transaction costs). Amazon…
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Can Onedrive be linked to a server based home directory?

At the school I work at we currently give every user a mapped drive to their home folder on the file server, all controlled through Active Directory. We also have a heap of users using iPads, which can't easily get to their home folder on the file…
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Incremental backups from Rackspace Cloud Files to Amazon Glacier

Is there a software product/module (open-source or commercial) that can provide incremental backups from Rackspace Cloud Files to Amazon Glacier? We are looking for something that will provide the following functionality (or achieve the same result,…
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How can I set up a load balancer to direct all Search Engine Bot traffic to one server?

We have a simple load balancer set up on Rackspace to 3 web server nodes. After reviewing our traffic and expenses, the largest bandwidth hog is Google Bot. Since on Rackspace we pay for bandwidth by the byte, we'd like to direct all traffic from…
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