Questions tagged [cloud-storage]

Online storage of files, hosted by third party providers.

87 questions
2 answers

Is using cloud files worth it? (Or any cdn?)

A little about my website: The front page needs to load fast, and it has a background image The website is an online store with lots of product images How much would it help alleviate the server of traffic? Also, AFAIK, cloud files does not offer…
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Rackspace CloudFiles and JungleDisk performance vs The Planet CloudStorage

I am considering using either Rackspace CloudFiles with JungleDisk or The Planet's CloudStorage for a webapp that needs fast read performance to serve very large video files. The application uses some authentication backends that x-forward the…
Daniel Gollas
2 answers

Confused about cloud hosting? Cloud server... 3 Dedicated or 1 Cloud? Which is the way to go?

I've finished programming an entire social network to replace an old one with already 60,000 users, (well after 6 years),but it has 100-300 users on-line at some times. I was going to start putting different concerns on different dedicated servers.…
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3 answers

Any cloud storage service that lets us to authenticate the file when we serve the file to our visitors

Lets say, i want to restrict a file to my visitors. I mean , i have an xx.avi file to be streamed/downloaded, and the visitor paid me for the bandwidth and the size of the file. In amazon s3, i cant control the file at all .(there is a very basic…
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GlusterFS - Define Failover Cluster

I am currently planning the storage infrastructure for our new application. Since performance is a big and important item on our list, I want to use SSDs for the production environment. We sell a product that generates a lot of data (image/video…
2 answers

Difference between image and snaphot?

Can any one explain what are the differences between image and snapshot in terms of storage.
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Storing mail server data on multiple storage servers

I'm trying to provide an email service for my clients And i like to know is it possible to store mail-server data on different servers Something like cloud services I'm a beginner , And i have installed CPanel on my CentOS server Let's call it…
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Unexpectedly able to delete storage container having running VHDs

Today I deleted an Azure storage container that contained some .vhds page blobs. Some of the blobs were the source for some VM disks that were attached to running VM's. I was surprised that the delete operation worked and even more surprised that…
Ronnie Overby
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cloud file storage (SSHFS usable?)

I am using Linode and plan on having multiple VPS behind a Load Balancer to run my application. The problem i have is with storage, in the next year i see at least 2TB of storage required. I have been researching and found that i need Network File…
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How to automate database backup of windows machines

I have a network containing 10 Windows workstations and 1 Windows 7 machine which acts as a server. I am planning to take a monthly backup of a folder called "MYFILES" which will be on all of the machines. Each folder size will not be greater than…
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Where to store social network photos and videos?

I have a social network with 100,000 users. I allow users to upload photos and videos now I feel like it is becoming too much for my dedicated server. Should I get another dedicated server? A content delivery network? A cloud storage like amazon…
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1 answer

Minimum requirement for making single node cloud architecture

Hiee.. I do have only 2GB RAM 32 bit core2 duo intel processor @2.20 GHZ is it possible for me to make (single node)cloud infrastructure using this configuration? I need to make cloud infrastructure for my college research work..if i were have to…
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