Questions tagged [cinder]

OpenStack project to provide “block storage as a service”.

  • Component based architecture: Quickly add new behaviors
  • Highly available: Scale to very serious workloads
  • Fault-Tolerant: Isolated processes avoid cascading failures
  • Recoverable: Failures should be easy to diagnose, debug, and rectify
  • Open Standards: Be a reference implementation for a community-driven api
  • API Compatibility: Cinder strives to provide API-compatible with popular systems like Amazon EC2
32 questions
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OpenStack Redundant Ceph/Cinder Storage Architecture

Hello Serverfault community, I'm currently designing an OpenStack cluster. The part where I'm currently stuck is the Storage Architecture. I thought of building two redundant Ceph clusters in different racks with a different fuse and UPS. So far so…
0 answers

Openstack cannot attach volume to instance

I try to install block storage, but the volume cannot attach to instance. I'm pretty sure, I followed all instructions but compute node got error 2014-11-04 17:25:05.265 20896 ERROR oslo.messaging.rpc.dispatcher…
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Nothing happen when connecting volume openstack instance

I'm working on openstack for my internship and I'm facing an issue with the storage service. I installed everything necessary for the cinder-volume service to work and it seems so. I successfully created volume and can get them with the volume list…
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openstack yoga volume creation fails

We are trying to create cinder volume. Cinder API accepts the request, but volumes are stuck in creating state. This happens regardless of the backend used (i.e. also with lvm). Seems like some timeouts happening between cinder api and the rest of…
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openstack xena- extend boot volume which is attached to an instance through heat orchestrator

as you can see the below heat template { "heat_template_version": "2018-03-02", "description": "H2 Template: All infrastructure is\n created using this, except for keystone users and their role assignments.", "resource" : { "PL_nal0bg6":…
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Openstack xena - Whenever I try to extend the boot volume size in a Heat stack, the heat update gets stuck in UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS

I am using openstack Heat as my backend to manage vms. Whenever I try to increase the size of the boot volume of a vm by increasing the size value of a boot volume in a heat teamplate- The stack template gets stuck in UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, but when I…
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auto cinder volume when creating nova instance via REST API

When i use horizon to create a nova instance, it is creating volume based on selected flavor and image. But when i determine flavorRef and ImageRef via rest api endpoint, the created instance has no volume! Have to create a volume and attach it…
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Import exisiting Logical Volume into Openstack

My Openstack (Microstack on Ubuntu) got screwed up and I had to reinstall it. Putting a backup of the Openstack config back in place didn't work so have to start "fresh". The problem now is: I have my LV group "cinder-volumes" with all its Logical…
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Need to acquire Cinder drivers

I am looking to integrate some NAS systems into Openstack, and am having some real problems. Reading Openstack and other documentation, I know that there exist Cinder drivers for the brands of NAS that I own. The NASs I am trying to integrate are…
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Unable to extend, create and attach openstack volume to an instance

I am running Ocata openstack on Ubuntu 16 and trying to extend an existing volume from 100GB to 250GB by following the link: After running fdisk -l I do not see anything I tried to…
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OpenStack-Ansible: Troubleshooting instance not seeing attached volume

I've been working with OpenStack-Ansible 22.0.1 and have successfully brought up a controller node and a compute node with LVM storage that, on the surface, functions. I can now create an instance and boot to an ISO. There is an attached volume that…
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2x Node OpenStack with additional Synology

Dave here I'm building a concept for a customer and they want to build a dev environment for their small business network. This is for pen testing, and as close as they can virtualized version of their physical infrastructure. They have two pretty…
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Replaced parameters "default_store" and "glance_store" breaks cooperation between cinder and glance in rocky release

I have a question related to parameters which becomes deprecated(stores and default_store). They're going to be removed from Stein, due to this info: We faced an issue with broken…
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Cinder volume service goes down while creating/deleting multiple volumes at the same time

Environment: Openstack Rocky Ceph Mimic openstack-cinder-13.0.8-0 Cinder volume status goes down while creating or deleting multiple volumes at the same time manually or while Rally test is running. All volume tasks including create and delete fail…
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Keystone scopes behavior is inconsistent between nova and cinder

I've been trying to update our OpenStack installation to use new options enforce_new_defaults and enforce_scope since in Wallaby for nova old policies will be deprecated. Those option seem to be present in many components (nova, cinder, keystone,…