Questions tagged [nova]

OpenStack Nova provides a cloud computing fabric controller, supporting a wide variety of compute technologies, including libvirt (KVM, Xen, LXC, etc.), Hyper-V, VMware, XenServer, OpenStack Ironic, PowerVM.

10 questions
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Create an instance on a particular volume type in OpenStack

I'm not able to figure out, how to easily boot new instance while creating new Cinder volume from Glance image on particular volume type. I know I can create cinder volume with specific volume type using openstack volume create with --type…
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openstack nova have a long startup after the fast created volume

i have reinstalled OpenStack with the newest version (Yoga) and all base modules. The system is running fine but the time between the creation of the volume and the startup ist very long with ~10 minutes. It's probably caused by the following…
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1 answer

OpenStack Nova fails to connect to libvirt (not socket issue!)

We're trying to deploy OpenStack on hardened Debian-based Linux distro via Kolla-ansible and we seem to be almost done but facing the issue with the nova_compute container which complaints: 2021-09-12 08:56:34.365 7 INFO nova.virt.libvirt.driver [-]…
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Freezer-scheduler Critical Error: Incremental nova backup is not supported

I have some issues with my freeze-scheduler job. I try to backup one instance and I got this error : 2020-12-21 14:15:06.512 4068 INFO freezer.main [-] Begin freezer agent process with args: ['/usr/local/bin/freezer-agent', '--metadata-out', '-',…
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OpenStack: Too many Database idle Connections

I use PostgreSQL as a DB backend for all OpenStack Services on 3 Controllers. When all 3 controllers are started with no load, the number of connections are up to 700. And all of this conns are in idle mode. Here are the Database parameters in…
0 answers

how openstack resize instance with raw format's local disk

Instance using local disk, the configure file: nova-compute/nova.conf [libvirt] images_type = qcow2 execute openstack server resize works well. but when using raw [libvirt] images_type = raw the instance console get: Is there any method to resize…
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auto cinder volume when creating nova instance via REST API

When i use horizon to create a nova instance, it is creating volume based on selected flavor and image. But when i determine flavorRef and ImageRef via rest api endpoint, the created instance has no volume! Have to create a volume and attach it…
1 answer

Failed to install openstack nova-consoleauth ussuri on ubuntu 18.04

I am trying install openstack compute service and after adding ubuntu archive repository with ussuri, installing nova-consoleauth gives this error: nova-consoleauth : Depends: nova-common (= 2:17.0.13-0ubuntu1) but 2:21.1.2-0ubuntu1~cloud0 is to be…
2 answers

How to run openstack components' cli without SSL validation?

(I use IPv6_Address instead of real IP address) .openrc setting: export OS_CLOUD=mycloud export OS_USERNAME=myusername export OS_PASSWORD=mypassword export OS_PROJECT_NAME=myproject export OS_AUTH_URL=https://[IPv6_Address]:5000/v3 If set this…
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1 answer

Connection timeouts from Nova_compute to Keystone, RabbitMQ etc

I've working on (and off) a deployment of Openstack over the past few months (nearly a year), and I've come across a number of issues during the deployment, most of which was either bad switch configuration, or a bad configuration on the heat…
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