I'm working on openstack for my internship and I'm facing an issue with the storage service.
I installed everything necessary for the cinder-volume service to work and it seems so. I successfully created volume and can get them with the volume list command, But I'm running some instances and when i try to attach those created volume using the Web interface either the CLI nothing happens.
In the Web interface I can see a message in blue saying that the operation is beeing processed and after that, when i go to the information tab for that specific instance, it's written "No volumes attached". When I used the CLI with the openstack server add volume #instance_name #volume_name command, it does not show any error and the output is the following

| Field                 | Value                                |
| ID                    | e9832966-50a7-4792-a94c-b50248aaadb3 |
| Server ID             | a2d4ba39-5c72-4d3a-9625-052266d54d38 |
| Volume ID             | e9832966-50a7-4792-a94c-b50248aaadb3 |
| Device                | /dev/vda                             |
| Tag                   | None                                 |
| Delete On Termination | False                                |

And after that output, when I look into the instance information or the volume information tab, there is nothing attached to the instance and the volume is attached to nothing.

I dont know what I did wrong, could someone please help with that ?
Thank you for your interest and I stay available for more additional information about the issue.

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