Questions tagged [cinder]

OpenStack project to provide “block storage as a service”.

  • Component based architecture: Quickly add new behaviors
  • Highly available: Scale to very serious workloads
  • Fault-Tolerant: Isolated processes avoid cascading failures
  • Recoverable: Failures should be easy to diagnose, debug, and rectify
  • Open Standards: Be a reference implementation for a community-driven api
  • API Compatibility: Cinder strives to provide API-compatible with popular systems like Amazon EC2
32 questions
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Configuring Puppet to set up Cinder with GlusterFS

I've spent quite some time now attempting to configure Puppet so that it will setup Cinder to use GlusterFS as the backend, rather than the LVMISCSI backend, but I haven't had any luck. Versions: Puppet 3.7.3 Cinder 1.0.8 Gluster 3.4.2 Ubuntu 14.10…
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iscsi not working after host reboot

I have a host that is acting as both an iscsi initiator and target. It's an OpenStack box that acts as both the storage node (cinder) and also as a compute node. There is also another compute nodes on the network that just acts as initiator to this…
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Are /dev/disk/by-id symlinks unreliable?

I am provisioning a Nova server and Cinder volumes using a Heat template. In order to identify the Cinder volumes attached to my OpenStack server I would like to use the /dev/disk/by-id/... symlinks provided by udev. Unfortunately, these seem to be…
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What is the best way to repair a situation where the nova database contains an attachment, but cinder doesn't?

In our OpenStack cloud there are a server with server_id and a volume with . We are in a situation where there is a volume that appears to be attached from the perspective of Nova, but not from the perspective of Cinder. There is a record…
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Create an instance on a particular volume type in OpenStack

I'm not able to figure out, how to easily boot new instance while creating new Cinder volume from Glance image on particular volume type. I know I can create cinder volume with specific volume type using openstack volume create with --type…
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How to completely remove volumes/instances from OpenStack Kilo database

We're having some troubles deploying Kilo on a system with 3 controllers and 3 computes, through mirantis fuel 7.0. The problems involve creation and attaching of volumes, specially the ones stored on a NetApp SAN. As a result, I had to delete some…
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openstack nova have a long startup after the fast created volume

i have reinstalled OpenStack with the newest version (Yoga) and all base modules. The system is running fine but the time between the creation of the volume and the startup ist very long with ~10 minutes. It's probably caused by the following…
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Openstack Pike Configuration (kolla deployment) - Cinder-volume and Cinder-backup stuck in down state

We have an Openstack Pike system setup (6 servers) via kolla/docker containers. We recently had to restart the system due to a planned power outage and we were successful in getting it back up and running. A couple of months later we started…
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OpenStack node not booting after forced shutdown, ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv does not exist

After forcibly rebooting my OpenStack compute & block storage node, it no longer boots; how can I fix this or recover its data? Gave up waiting for root file system device. common problems: -Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline) - check rootdelay= (did…
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Volume creation failure

I want to launch an instance from an image which size is 1TB in my openstack pike environment which uses cinder with ceph as storage backend. The volume creation process for that instance fails with the following message: logs schedule allocate…
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OpenStack cinder api - Malformed request url

I Have an issue using Cinder API v3, ended getting below error http://openstack_api:8776/v3/project_ID/volumes/detail { "badRequest": { "code": 400, "message": "Malformed request url" } } Note that I was able to query…
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LUKS encryption for mounted disk - how to decrypt cinder volume

I have a question about the possible decryption of LUKS volume. I'm testing currently barbican+cinder, but I'm just wondering if there is a way, to somehow decrypt my LUKS volume with payload generated by a barbican. Is there any procedure for that?…
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OpenStack Cinder Configuration for separate Storage network

I have OpenStack block storage running using LVMVolumeDriver. I want to use a dedicated network (10Ge) for storage, but the iSCSI connections are always established through the management address. I found an old question for the same problem…
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Why does ovirt VM using ceph disk stay in "waiting for launch" status

My setup comprises of ceph mimic (centos 7, setup with ceph-ansible), cinder/keystone combo on pike release, and ovirt The external cinder provider is setup and I can create disks. When creating a vm and starting it, the VM shows up in the…
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Openstack Cinder LVM configuration

I'm installing block storage node in my OpenStack infrastructure and couldn't understand how to properly configure filters in lvm.conf. I'm installing Ocata release using this guide, the LVM config part is quite confusing. As far as I understood I…
Islam Sabyrgaliyev
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