I'm pretty new to ops so please don't mind if use the incorrect terms.

I have a program that runs on another box. I need to restart the program after I deploy code to it, via capistrano. I tried sshing into the box to do the restart but it won't work because the program requires a screen/display to run. Is there a way for me to restart the process and tell the process to keep using the screen it is currently using?

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1 Answers1


I am going to assume you're referring to a UNIX/Linux box with Xorg (X11) going on it. I am going to also assume you at least one active display (i.e. :0 exists). Knowing more about the nature of the application (i.e. what it does) would be great.

  1. SSH into the box like you did before. You may want to be become root (su or sudo bash- assuming you have bash) or log in as the user (or do su username).
  2. execute your script but tell it which display to use by setting the DISPLAY variable.

    # DISPLAY=:0; /path/to/your/app

That'd work if you have bash. Try that out and let us know what happens and/or if you don't have bash.

Good luck

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  • I was on a raspberry pi. Apparently using sudo did the trick for me. I'm not sure why the permissions mattered. Any idea? – elliance May 08 '13 at 03:00