Questions tagged [azure-web-apps]

135 questions
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Use custom domains & SSL in SaaS solution in Azure Web App

Currently we are planning to provide a SaaS solution with subdomains that will be hosted in Azure as App Service. Currently we have the following CNAME mapping in the DNS provider and it is perfectly working for all subdomains. Also mapped the…
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Script or Automate Cloning of Azure App and Database for Testing

I will immediately admit that I might be going the wrong way about this, but, I would like to be able to have this setup: Have an Azure App, say, that we'll call Staging and a database that, when I need to, be…
Serj Sagan
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High response time on Azure Web App

I have developed a RESTful api that I deployed on Azure Web App. While performing the load test using JMeter, I see that the response time is huge i.e ~18secs. This response time appalls me because the endpoint I have exposed only receives a ~1-2KB…
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Connect an Azure App Service to an Azure VM hosting Maria DB

I have a VM running on Azure. On this VM I am running MariaDB. I am using An App Service to host my website. I want to connect my website to my database but don't want my database to be publically accessible. Is this possible?
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How many nodes does a Web App in Azure has?

I am enabling security service for my web app in Azure that indicates a price "per node". I don't see that information in the Web App console. I checked the app service plan used by the web app but that information is not there as well. Did I just…
von v.
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Can I add extra disk storage for a Azure Web App?

I am researching if the Azure platform is suited for my web app. I successfully created the Web App. The Web App in question is a Service App consisting of an WebAPI, Web Site and a DB. As for the price tier, I chosen basic, because the throughput…
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What is the proper way to create a service principal for a VSTS Azure Resource Manager service endpoint?

In order to deploy from VSTS to an Azure App Service, you need to define an Azure Resource Manager service endpoint in VSTS. For this service endpoint you need: a subscription ID a tenant ID a service principal client ID a service principal The…
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unsupported protocol: The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite

I am trying to use Cloudflare SSL with my Azure app on a small basic service plan. I have the SSL set to Flexible in the Cloudflare Crypto tab. The status is Active Certificate. In the Cloudflare DNS tab I have the orange cloud for the A record and…
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Wildcard host headers in Azure App Service

I have a web app hosted on Azure App Service under my domain Customers access their own content using the following paths: etc.. But I also allow customers to use their own…
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What to try after restarting my Azure Web App to resolve "Service Unavailable"?

my Azure web app on Linux is giving me "Service Unavailable" all of a sudden. It has been pulling a private image from Docker Hub well for months. Now, as I said, I am getting Service Unavailable and the LogFiles under Kudu seem to say that it is…
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Secure GoDaddy site with Azure SSL Certificate

Appologies in advanced, IT is REALLY not my strong suit so bear with me Setup 1) I have a godaddy domain with linux hosting that I use for a landing page, let's say 2) I have an azure web app that I configed using a CNAME record…
Omri Btian
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Change azure plan location

I am new in Azure, I need to create a Web Apllication. So I created an WebApplication (ASP.NET Core), when Published it via Visual Studio it created me an "Azure Plan" in "SouthCentral US" (I had no choice in the VS Publish Interface), but I need…
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Obtain Virtual IP - Azure App Service Environment

I am trying to setup IP Based SSL instead of SNI SSL on an azure Web App. The App Service Plan is Standard S1, but unfortunately I am getting the following error message: There are no IP addresses in the App Service Environment that are available to…
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Only one web app instance seems to be running

We have some timeouts issues with our Azure Web App with 3 instances. I started debugging using the live stream metrics, and I see something really weird with the CPU usage: Can someone explain why only one instance seems to be running? We…
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Possbile differences between azure accounts

I hope I got to the correct stack exchange forum with this. I have two azure webapps with the same plan, and the same code. One under a personal account which works well, and the other is under enterprise account and sometimes fails. This…
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