I am enabling security service for my web app in Azure that indicates a price "per node". I don't see that information in the Web App console. I checked the app service plan used by the web app but that information is not there as well. Did I just miss it on those places or it's stored somewhere else? I already tried searching but using the keywords "node count web app in Azure" and variations of that don't produce desirable results.

von v.
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  • 4

1 Answers1


In this article, you can find this:

Each SQL Database server (logical server that may contain multiple SQL databases and/or SQL Data Warehouse databases) counts as one node.

App service plan same as SQL Database server, so one app service plan counts as one node.

Jason Ye
  • 2,399
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  • I was so consumed in the console that I forgot about the pricing page outside of it. Thank you Jason Ye! – von v. Jan 30 '18 at 07:05