Questions tagged [azure-web-apps]

135 questions
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Azure active directory integration with azure app services.

I am not a Azure and Microsoft guy but there is a friend of mine who is stuck in a situation where he need user attributes like, phone, email, address, etc from Azure active directory for his application hosted on Azure app service. they have…
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Does Azure by default do any regional or output caching?

I'm working on a website that is currently hosted on Microsoft's Azure cloud hosting service, and I noticed what appeared to be slightly different output for a user in a different region. It seemed like we were looking at two different instances or…
Mark Rogers
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How do I create an ECC certificate for Windows Azure Mobile?

I want my mobile clients to use less CPU power and use less network bandwidth and therefore want to use an ECC certificate for Azure Mobile Apps How do I generate an ECC based certificate for use with Azure Mobile?
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Is it still possible to create azure cloud services classic?

So I have no problem when creating azure cloud services (with extended support). But when i try to make the cloud services classic, the deployment always failed. error message that i get "The create deployment operation failed for the domain…
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Azure Cloud Services Extended - SSL Certificates

So I have problem when i try to use SSL Certificate to my cloud service extended. "Failed to update the deployment for cloud service 'salumfif1'. Reason: The CSCFG did not match the CSDEF within the supplied CSPKG. Please use the documentation at…
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Is there a way to map a VM to a domain name with Azure without a static public IP?

I have a Go application that I would like to host on the public internet via Azure using a domain I own with another provider. I realize the most straight forward way todo this is to spin up a VM, request a static, public IP for it and then point to…
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Azure App Service to SQL Server DB connection fails with generic "error occurred during the login process"

I have a project consisting of several frontend and backend apps, and several databases; I am in the process of building the deployment pipeline. It should use Azure Static App Services for the frontends, Azure App Services for the backends (.NET 6)…
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Accessing Azure File Share from Windows Web App

I have a Windows Azure Web App that uploads files to a directory called 'CallRecordings' in the website root. I wish to use a virtual directory pointing to an Azure file share. I have mounted the file share from the Azure portal and it appears at…
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Unable to access specific rest apis due to azure error

My application using spring rest and deployed in Azure server. Created rest apis using spring rest. Am able to access all rest urls, except in one scenario. for eg: , Am able to…
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Deploy multiple applications developed on different .Net frameworks(.Net 4.7 and .Net 6) in the same domain in Azure

Please, I urgently need to solve this issue. I have 2 .NET applications ( MVC .net 4.7 and React + core .net 6) which I want to deploy in the Azure under same domain because both share the same cookie value. Will Azure application solve this…
4 answers

Very slow mysql on Azure App Service w/ PHP (Wordpress)

I am trying to fix issues with very slow Azure App Services to Azure Database connection. After Wordpress migration form cheap OVH hosting I noticed extremely long TTFB: increase from 300-400ms to 1500-3000ms. I narrowed the problem to app service -…
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How to troubleshoot windows dotnet azure function via portal if eventlog.xml and application insight has no errors in them?

I upgraded my function from net core 3.1 to net 6 in code, then updated function runtime version trough portal to ~4 and net framework version trough following az command az functionapp config set --net-framework-version v6.0 -n -g…
Igor B
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Manage Azure App service deployment center FTP users

So as Azure admin of my company I was trying to create an overview of what contributors have created FTP Credentials for app services. It's fine that they create these credentials however I would like to find a way to either report what accounts…
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Redirect traffic to Roadrunner application server running on localhost in Azure Web App

I would like to test an application server (e.g Swoole/Roadrunner) on an Azure Web App. I have set up the Azure Web App successfully. I am able to access it on I have set up RoadRunner on the same web app linux…
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occasionally momentary loss of name resolution or connectivity between Azure app. instance and AWS DB

We have a PHP application running in an Azure app. instance and it communicates with a Postgres database hosted in AWS. Very occasionally it is unable to communicate with the database: [11-Nov-2021 23:16:45 UTC] PHP Warning: pg_connect(): Unable…
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