Questions tagged [azure-web-apps]

135 questions
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Azure web apps recycled at random

I new to Azure and am running about 20 websites ( web apps ) on an Azure B1 Basic, 1 Core, 1.75 GB RAM, 10 GB Storage instance. They are very low traffic sites with tens of visits daily. The sites include one page static holding pages, some Umbraco…
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Namelookup issue on Azure using custom Docker container

I'm having trouble with name resolution on Azure using custom Docker container with Web App on Linux. Name resolution with curl and wget takes 4-10 seconds when using default resolv.conf file in Azure. search nameserver…
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How to assign users to a native app in Azure AD

I have created users and a Native-App registration on Azure AD. By default, the owner is assigned to the app. How do I assign newly created users to the app registration? I can do it without any issue for Web-App type. Following screen-print shows…
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Azure App Services Website CPU Climbs to 100% Over TIme

This ASP.NET Core Azure App Services website has been running in production (unchanged) for months with CPU averages of 1-3%. Starting yesterday I noticed that the CPU all of a sudden went to 100%: I couldn't immediately figure out what was causing…
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Connect Azure Web App to policy-based VPN

I have an Azure Web App that needs to connect to the addresses xx.x.x.10 and xx.x.x.12 the customers on-premise server. For this purpose the Customer have setup a Policy based VPN (Cisco ASA 9.8) with public IP yyy.yy.y.y While trying to get to…
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Enable Application Insights Azure Web App ARM Template

I successfully deployed an app service plan, web application and application insights resources using an ARM Template. The APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY and APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING app settings have been added to the configuration/app…
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Resource group location error on basic Azure pipeline release

I'm new to Azure and trying to run an out-of-the-box pipeline on Azure but it's failing on the deployment step of the pipeline. I get the error below. I am using the free trial tier of Azure. I have a resource group in West Europe and I have the…
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Azure: Docker App Error “…site did not start within expected time limit” and “Container X didn't respond to HTTP pings on port 80”

I have a Flask Python app that is run via Gunicorn from a Docker Linux container. Running the Docker container on Ubuntu works fine locally, but when the container is pushed to the Azure Container Registry and then deployed as an Azure App, it fails…
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Azure App Service plan stuck at 100% CPU

Our Azure App Service Plan has been stuck at 100% for a few hours now. I've tried restarting the App Services on it, but to no avail. I think I need the whole VM hosting the App Service Plan behind the scenes to restart. Is there a way I can do…
Scotty H
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How to restrict access to sections of monolithic Azure app service

I am wondering if it is possible (using an App Service & Slots) to stop public access to certain elements of an application. We currently have an application that consists of a number of web applications that communicate with a large number of WCF…
Stephen D.
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ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/site/wwwroot/node_modules/.bin/npm'

I'm trying to deploy an app to azure App Service and I'm running in this issue: Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'closur-test' Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated. Updating submodules. Preparing deployment for commit id…
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azure permission denied on ftp an kudu

We are trying to deploy a website via ftp and cannot connect: Response: 331 Password required Command: PASS ************************************************************ Response: 530 User cannot log in. Error: Critical error: Could…
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Azure Web Application Logs to Storage Account Container

My team has a .NET (4.7) web application running in Azure. Right now there are three directories being creations on the web in the D drive - cache, temp and root. Log files are dumped here. My concern is that these log files will take up space and…
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Is MySQL included in Azure Web-Apps?

I am trying to find a cloud hosting solution for my simple web form + MySQL database, to make it possible for our employees to enter their shift details from multiple locations (Only like 10 people are going to use this form). I thought Azure…
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Is my docker node application using all available CPUs?

I've got a node app built using a standard node-alpine docker image deployed to Azure App Service. The App Service Plan is set to use 2-core VMs (instance type S2). A single node process will only use a single core at a time. Is Azure scaling the…
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