Questions tagged [apple]

Company based in Cupertino, specialized in the sale of computers.

159 questions
1 answer

Apple Lion upgrade failed horribly, Wiki won't start

So another admin here upgraded our OS X Snow Leopard Server to Lion Server and there have been failures across the board of services in general. One of the more serious issues is the failure for the Wiki service to start. This is the first I've had…
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Does Darwin/Quicktime Streaming Server follow symlinks?

I have DSS running quite happily on a Macmini using the default media folder (/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Movies). However, I want to be able to stream video located in a different directory. I've tried creating symlinks in the default media folder…
2 answers

Xserve Xeon: 1TB Drive does not show when plugged in

I've got an Xserve and when I plug in a 1TB Western Digital Drive, the drive does not show up in the finder. There is nothing wrong with this drive, and I am at a lose as to why this could be, some hints and tips would be appreciated. Thanks
Mister IT Guru
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does apple's wiki server support mathematical syntax?

In MediaWiki, tex (or latex) extensions can be integrated (even if to be so hard!) in order to support mathematical syntax. I could not see any information that wiki server can support mathematical syntax in it. Can anyone know that kind of…
2 answers

Active Directory and Remote Mac Admin Users

We have multiple users running on Apple Macs in our environment, day to day they are Admins of their local machines. This is done my adding a group to the domain configuration to allow administration. When the user isn't in the office however they…
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What is the average monthly production cost for big data centers like the ones for facebook, google or apple?

As per the question title, how much do large private data centres cost to run?
Rigo Vides
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Push DNS search suffix to Macs via ARD

Our clients use the domain handed out by our DHCP server as their default search suffix. I would like to add a second domain for them to search. /etc/resolv.conf looks like it will be overwritten on startup by some other process. I'm…
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Making a Apple Wiki Server resolve to a Domain Name

I have a wiki at but I'd like people to access the wiki via Is it possible to have this domain resolve to the wiki? I don't really want people access it via…
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How to set user permissions on an apple wiki server

I'm looking for a some kind of a guide to setting permission on an apple wiki server. I did a google search but I couldn't find much. Anyone know of any guides or some quick instructions? Cheers.
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Does Apple's Wiki Server support forums?

Does anyone know if the apple wiki server support forums? Thanks.
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5 answers

Centralized app deployment and management for multiple iPhones in the workplace?

We have deployed iPhones at work and are looking for a solution to mass-deploy and manage (with the app updates etc.) the apps on these work iPhones. Each iPhone is assigned to a user but we would like to easily deploy a standard set of…
1 answer

Running multiple user accounts on multiple displays simultaneously

Is it possible to set up a computer (preferably a mac pro) so that multiple users can log in at once, each on their own display with a different keyboard and mouse? We need this for a school setup in which 6-10 students will be using the same number…
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Server 2003 imap and apple mail + dealing with user names with spaces

I am trying to connect to imap boxes on an sbs 2003 server but the server is saying the username/password is incorrect. I know the password is correct because I just checked by logging in to OWA. and IMAP is running for every account on the…
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Xserve G5 Leopard Server - How to turn off the beeping when the RAID is degraded?

My XServe G5 is beeping constantly because of a RAID drive that has failed. We're going to get a new replacement drive tomorrow evening. The beeping is very annoying and I was wondering if there was a way to turn it off? I've found some articles…
1 answer

OSX: Don't login as network user, but as local

Normally my computer was set up to login as a network user, but it also has a local home set up. I have moved my computer to a new location where that server no longer is, so there is no longer a network home. Now, when I try to login to my…
Zed Said
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