Questions tagged [apple]

Company based in Cupertino, specialized in the sale of computers.

159 questions
9 answers

3rd party RAM for Mac Book Pro

My company will be bulk purchasing Apple hardware, specifically Mac Book Pros. We are looking into increasing the RAM from 4GB to 8GB, however, we have noticed that RAM purchased directly from Apple is exorbitantly expensive. For example, going from…
3 answers

Apple Software Update Server for Windows

We have just added a few iMacs to our system and we've found that they all want to download about 1.6 GB of updates... not so great when we only have limited monthly bandwidth! All of our Windows machines just use WSUS, which works great in our…
Matthew Iselin
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3 answers

AD users in Snow Leopard with admin privileges

I've just authenticated my first Apple machine onto the active directory infrastructure. Yay! The only thing I'm having problems with is specifying that the AD user is an administrator, and able to make changes. I don't see any interface for that.…
Matt Simmons
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3 answers

Is it possible to run Windows Server on Apple Xserve hardware?

Apple's Boot Camp allows you to run a Windows client OS on Apple hardware. Has anyone had success in running a Windows Server OS natively on Apple's Xserve hardware? Does anyone know if Boot Camp updates coming in Snow Leopard will support this?
Shawn Miller
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1 answer

How did AirPort's DHCP "Welcome Message" work?

I remember that Apple's AirPort base stations used to have a DHCP "Welcome Message" feature, that would display a custom pop-up dialog when computers connected to the network. How was this accomplished? I'm trying to duplicate this feature on a…
Trevor Johns
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2 answers

How do I send raw text to a printer on a Mac?

In windows you can use LPR In Linux you can do lpr or 'data.txt > /dev/lpt1/' How do I do it on a Mac?
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2 answers

How Do I Restore a MySQL Database from Time Machine Backup?

I develop locally on a Mac, and my computer completely died yesterday. The hard drive is gone, apparently not recoverable. I have a current backup on Time Machine. So my question is: How exactly do I restore that backup? Is there a physical location…
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2 answers

Is it possible to prevent a user from installing iOS 6?

We have a number of Apple iOS 5.1.1 corporate-owned, Wifi-only devices with internal applications that aren't ready for iOS 6. Is it possible to prevent a user from upgrading their device to iOS 6? The only solution that I've found so far is to…
Rob Wright
  • 131
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5 answers

Is Apple going to miss out by not allowing to virtualise Mac OS X?

As far as I know you are not legally allowed to virtualise Mac OS X. Recently Amazon added Windows support to EC2 so you can now run Windows, Solaris, BSD and Linux instances in the cloud. With Apple not allowing Mac OS X to be visualised, is Apple…
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5 answers

What to do With Power PC Mac Systems

I have a customer - a small business where IT is a cost center, not a profit driver - with six high-end PowerPC machines (dual-CPU Power Mac G5, 2G RAM, the works...). These machines will shortly be obsolete because Snow Leo won't support…
Bernd Haug
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1 answer

osx 10.6 dhcp client-id option

Trying to join a osx machine on a dhcp network which forces certain client IDs. Even if I was to modify the client-id via the network properties, the DHCP server is not accepting this request, since Windows and Apple send this via different options…
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3 answers

Is there an open-source alternative to Apple Open Directory?

On my company's network there are a small collection of iMacs. Currently they use Active Directory. We looked in to Apple Open Directory, but $500 for a copy of OSX Server (not to mention the Apple hardware to run it on) seemed a bit expensive. I'm…
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2 answers

Apple client OS support lifecycle

I have a simple question that I seem to be having a hard time getting a straight-up answer for. What is Apple's support policy for Mac OS X client versions? When do they drop support? For example, is 10.0 still supported? A colleague has called…
MikeBaz - MSFT
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3 answers

Can I use a single OS X Installation Image on multiple machines?

I currently admin a small variety of Mac's at work. We have some G3/G4/G5/MBP/iBook/eMac/iMac. I've noticed that each system is configured slightly different and wanted to come up with some disk images of full installations pre-configured. I would…
Chris Tucker
1 answer

Fixing Cisco Umbrella Root CA Filtering on OpenVPN

I have a personal VPN running OpenVPN 2.3.10 on ubuntu 16.04 that I installed following this guide. It has worked with a few hiccups over the last two months of intermittent use. Yesterday, I tried to go to Reddit on my MacBook (OS X 10.14.1)…
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