Questions tagged [multiseat]

7 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to do multiseat the systemd way with one graphic card / two heads?

I would like to setup a multi-seat configuration using Ubuntu Xenial 16.04. After some researches, it seems the way to do now is by systemd through "loginctl" calls. (saw here for example). Before diving too much into into the tutorials because i…
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9 answers

How to create multiple "terminals" for a linux workstation?

I wanted to figure out how to have multiple terminals (monitor, keyboard, and mouse) use a single centralized system. I guess at this point I can get computers for around $150, and use them as dumb terminals, but I would really like to centralize…
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3 answers

Multiseat Linux Remote Desktop with KVM and Spice

I have a server running Ubuntu 14.04LTS. On it I created a (KVM) VM with Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop. I setup Spice on this VM so that I can access it remotely. Everything is working fine, got TLS, USB redirection, everything working nicely. However, this…
1 answer

Multiple users and multiple VPN

I've been trying for the last few days to accomplish the following task: I need to create a multi user environment for more than 5 users simultaneously and each user needs it's own different ip, but it can't be through SOCKS proxy, it must be…
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Should Windows Multipoint Server stations on individual video cards support hardware video acceleration?

I've set up a test machine with multiple PCI-e nVidia GF440 Video cards and installed Windows Multipoint Server 2011. I use the same kind of hardware set up with a BeTwin multiseat solution to create a class lab for Google SketchUp teaching (highly…
2 answers

Multiseating Windows through Linux

I recently learned how to set up a multi-seat Linux machine, this appears to be the only cost-effective solution for the small school that would use this as a tiny computer lab. However, most students are not familiar with the Linux interface, and…
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1 answer

Running multiple user accounts on multiple displays simultaneously

Is it possible to set up a computer (preferably a mac pro) so that multiple users can log in at once, each on their own display with a different keyboard and mouse? We need this for a school setup in which 6-10 students will be using the same number…
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