We have deployed iPhones at work and are looking for a solution to mass-deploy and manage (with the app updates etc.) the apps on these work iPhones. Each iPhone is assigned to a user but we would like to easily deploy a standard set of work-approved apps. The difficulty is currently each device has an individual user's iTunes (AppStore) account associated with it. While a single iTunes login can be shared amongst the users of a household across multiple devices, we don't want to run afoul of any licensing issues in the workplace since there is no doubt some sort of unpublished device limit Apple has.
I don't think Apple has a multiple-user "site-license-type" company iTuns account we could sign-up for and lump our purchases into...is there? So there are 2 issues: centralizing the purchasing of the apps into as few accounts as possible plus a way to deploy, manage, update these apps. The Enterprise iPhone Configuration Tool can only deploy our own in-house custom apps signed by us once we get a developer license.