Questions tagged [amazon-efs]

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a managed cloud storage service, accessed using the NFS protocol version 4.1.

72 questions
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Access denied error on EFS volume from time to time from two EC2 instances

I have two identical EC2 instances with web servers, both have mounted the same EFS volume and everything in the same zone and EBS. Here is the /etc/fstab output: /mnt/efs nfs defaults,_netdev 0 0 From time…
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Image Storage Options In AWS

In the case of my scenario, The loading issue seems to have been caused by making HTTP requests with no HTTP timeout set to our CDN. The synchronous requests held the page execution for many minutes and then the load balancer timed out the…
0 answers

Can I mount an AWS EFS belonging to one AWS account on an EC2 instance belonging to another account?

We have a server hosted with Engine Yard (which uses EC2 behind the scenes). We'd like to start a EFS that we own directly. Is it possible to mount this EFS on our engineyard server (they will help)? Their EC2 instance is in a separate VPC,…
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Can one pre-populate a directory (e.g., on EFS) for an EKS cluster?

We want to run an interactive application on AWS that should be able to read and write a common workspace directory on a shared filesystem. Our approach so far was to use EFS for the shared data, and to use a PersistentVolumeClaim to reference it.…
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Can EFS claims live longer than the Kubernetes cluster?

We have been writing scripts for setting up an application on AWS via Pulumi, trying to automate everything from scratch to a running application (but via different intermediate stages). The idea was to be able to shut down everything to save costs…
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PHP OpCache on Amazon EFS

Looking for some validation of my thought process here. I don't have the stats to hand to back up my claims, but have enough experience with web hosting with and without EFS to be comfortbale in making it. A Joomla or WordPress PHP site being served…
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Recommended ways to manage / edit files on Amazon EFS remotely?

We're starting to use AWS, making use of EFS for application / user data and configuration. Now I wonder what are good ways to access and manage these files remotely, for instance in order to edit a configuration file on EFS, move / rename files…
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2 answers

Given an existing unencrypted AWS EFS volume, can somebody give me a path for encrypting it without data loss?

We have discovered that we really ought to have encrypted the MySql database and EFS volume on our application, at the time of creation. We are now attempting to correct the oversight. I've read the Amazon document about converting a database from…
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1 answer

Dynamic nfs/efs volumes in kubernetes cluster

In the past we used the efs-provisioner to dynamically create volumes for our pods using nfs based storage. This worked like a charm but it was moved to the kubernetes-retired/external-storage which means it is no longer supported or developed on. I…
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Schedule, Compress, and Transfer files from EC2/EFS to Glacier

I want to create a process to transfer files from EC2 / EFS, to Glacier - but with compression. Say there are directories with timestamps down to the hour. Every hour, I want a process that checks for directories older than 24 hours (configured),…
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1 answer

how to migrate shared mount points to aws

we are planning to migrate to AWS, how do you migrate shared NFS mount points to AWS, we have file systems in them. Is S3 a good choice or EBS, Is there any other way to do this, how have people been traditionally doing this.
1 answer

How does efs pricing works lambda?

Does the pricing only applicable for storage or there are also other charges associated wit it? for eg: if a lambda function puts 1Gb/s of file on efs via a private vpc then how much it will charge for a day? On aws efs pricing page they've…
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