Questions tagged [amazon-efs]

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a managed cloud storage service, accessed using the NFS protocol version 4.1.

72 questions
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Sharing mounted EFS from Linux EC2 to Windows has terrible performance

I've followed a large amount of advice in establishing an EFS share that can be accessed through windows. The procedure is basically outlined here: Adding EFS to Windows Tutorial Following this, I added a large amount of dummy data (1.1 TB) as per…
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NFS not mounting on boot

I have an AWS EFS that I want my Centos 7 server to mount on boot. The line from /etc/fstab that is meant to accomplish this is: /mnt/EFS nfs4…
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TTFB on AWS EC2 Instance is Very Slow

I'm very new to hosting/server administration and my employer ask me to use this chance to learn and find a way to update our current hosting setup. Our current setup was one EC2 instance that hosted multisite, it was being manage through Cpanel. I…
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confirm efs is mounted on ec2

i would like to confirm that efs is mounted on my ec2 instance but do not know the command. i did mount my EFS to the directory ''/data'' i think the correct command would be df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev …
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AWS EFS Backup using Datapipeline

I want to take backup of my EFS production environment. I have setup solution as defined in walk through with 2 EFS Production & EFS Backup I created 4 security groups : 1) efs-mt-sg (EFS SG) & add access to efs-ec2-sg on NFS port. 2)…
1 answer

How to modify an Amazon ECS Cluster and use custom UserData to mount EFS

Need to mount EFS drive on ECS Cluster automatically on launch of container instances. Is it possible with Clusters generated with the Wizard or do I need to create an AutoScaling group?
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Mounting EC2 directory with existing data to Fargate container using EFS

I have an EC2 instance with a huge directory(ex. /large-dir) that containers need to access. Both instance and container share same network and security group. I'm able create and mount an EFS to container as well as add/remove files from the EFS…
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EC2 cannot access to EFS

Our website has mounted on 4 EC2 and 1 EFS. Sometimes EC2 servers cannot access to EFS. When I run commands like cd and ls, they are not responding when access is not available. When I restart the server, the problem goes away. 1 or more servers…
1 answer

Root has no write permission to EFS volume

I created a new EFS volume and mounted it with the EFS mount helper. Here is the /etc/fstab: LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 defaults,discard 0 0 fs-deadbeef:/ /mnt/efs efs _netdev,tls 0 0 The mount completed successfully; however root does…
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ECS container not starting: error looking up volume plugin amazon-ecs-volume-plugin

I have a EC2 + EFS + ECS setup on which I run a few docker containers. My EC2 instance died, and a new one spun up, but when starting the tasks on the new instance, I get the following error message error looking up volume plugin…
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What is the best practice to manage multiple servers and shared a source code in a storage in AWS

I have a monolithic e-commerce website in management and like to expand it to multiple servers using a load balancer and single database server. load balancer -> server 1 -> db server | ^ L-> server…
Eric Lee
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Amazon EFS performance mounted for a k8 cluster of ec2 instances with small frequent writes

How performant is a shared mounted EFS if there are multiple ec2 instances with multiple containers all writing to separate files in separate directories? Can write performance on one container be detrimentally affected by another container writing…
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Why does df say my EFS disk has a capacity of 8 Exabytes?

This is a screenshot from my AWS EC2 instance, which the EFS disk is mounted on: How can this be?
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AWS EFS mount to EC2 Amazon linux

Alright everyone, I have no idea what I am doing wrong here. I am setting up Apache on a linux EC2 instance on AWS. The install for APACHE was fine following these white papers posted by amazon Apache Web Server Once I get to step 3.C it hits a…
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How can I setup an SQLite database for serverless Cloud Functions?

I have some Serverless Lambda Functions and I would like to host an SQLite database with about a GB of data for free or very cheaply (1 USD per month). My initial thought is to use Amazon Elastic File System or an EFS like service but I'm not sure…