Carter Pape


I am a full-time reporter at The Times-Independent in Moab, Utah. I graduated from North Carolina State University in 2018 with a B.S. in Mathematics.

On March 5, 2019, I launched the new website for The Times-Independent and learned *a lot* in the process about the services and technologies in our stack, particularly the ones related to content delivery and web hosting (including Amazon Web Services, Cloudflare, and Wordpress). I maintain the website and our other computer systems during evenings and weekends and spend my work hours doing journalism.

I have previously created two other websites. The first is my personal website, where I blog about programming, web development, and other topics. The second was for a digital media project I created in college focused on news at and around NC State. Each was built with Jekyll with content delivery via GitHub Pages, Amazon S3, and Cloudflare.

I am an avid user of Project Euler. My friend code there is 20000318350382_45f868f21758d351dd65b77c41f44c5f.

current level and number of problems solved on Project Euler