Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
1 answer

How to reference container hostname or ip from another container in the same ECS task in cloud formation

I'm trying to setup an AWS ECS cluster which has a single task that has 3 separate containers for prometheus, promscale, and prometheus-ecs-discovery. I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically set the env var PROMSCALE_HOSTNAME in my prometheus…
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Idiomatic way to get IP addresses of group of containers in ECS?

I'm building an internal proxy service on AWS where a user can send a request to a server that server will send the request to one of several proxy containers in an ECS cluster I'm not sure what's the best way to get the IP addresses of the proxy…
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Caching layer in front of AWS Elastic Container Service

I've got an ECS that implements a REST API, which does some fairly heavy computing, but can massively profit from caching at the request level (since it'll receive many identical requests). I currently have caching implemented on the ECS image…
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Service Creation failed AWS ECS Service with elastic inference accelerator (EIA)

I am trying to create a service in my ECS cluster to run a task that uses elastic inference accelerator (EIA). However, when I try to create the service, I get the following error: I have read the docs, and I understand there cannot be more than 5…
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Using the "draft" feature of a GitHub PR to stop AWS CodeBuild from building on a PR change

I've set up a CD pipeline from Github to ECS for a non-profit I'm working for. The AWS CodeBuild starts every time a PR is opened, changed, or merged. Sometimes, however, PRs are opened but marked as drafts. In such cases, it's unnecessary to start…
2 answers

port mapping didn't happen for a container deployed on AWS ECS(uses EC2)

Context: I am using Circle CI's aws-ecs/deploy-service-update orb to deploy my docker container by pulling the latest image in AWS ECR and deploy it in AWS ECS with AWS EC2 instance. This container is a Machine Learning model that accepts API…
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Do I need an internal Load Balancer for my ECS Services?

I have an ECS cluster with 3 services(FARGATE), the 3 services are in private subnets. 1 is the web app that is publicly accessible through an Internet-facing Load Balancer and the 2 others are only accessed from the web app. For internal…
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AWS Network Load Balancer for Fargate tasks with end to end encryption

We currently have a AWS Fargate service running Nginx behind a AWS Application Load Balancer. In front of this, we also use Cloudflare (hence having Cloudflare origin certificate in ACM). Since the ALB terminates the SSL connection, the traffic…
0 answers

Environment variables aren't availiable during SSH session to AWS ECS container

I have configured ECS containers. Everything works, however when I'm connecting to a container through SSH, there are no environment variables that are defined in a task definition. Is there a way to persist them?
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Swap space use for AWS ECS Cluster instances

I'm in the process of trying to optimise and consolidate our AWS instances. Part of this involves standardising (where possible) our instance classes, to make optimal use of reservations. We have a number of applications using the m5d class EC2's,…
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AWS ECS CannotStartContainerError: Error response from daemon

I'm trying to start a task with a container with the following command: /bin/sh -c "export KAFKA_LISTENERS=\"PLAINTEXT://$$(hostname -i):9092\" &&" But I'm getting this error when the container tries to start and I have no idea of…
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ECS container not starting: error looking up volume plugin amazon-ecs-volume-plugin

I have a EC2 + EFS + ECS setup on which I run a few docker containers. My EC2 instance died, and a new one spun up, but when starting the tasks on the new instance, I get the following error message error looking up volume plugin…
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1 answer

Does Amazon manage time synchronization on ECS/Fargate containers?

I'm trying to use NTP to synchronize local time in ECS containers using the ntpdate command, but it gives me this error: ntpdate[770]: Can't adjust the time of day: Operation not permitted Investigating the issue, I realized that local time is…
1 answer

Load balancing for Host network is not working when access within the instance

I have designed this infrastructure. ECS SG: Ingress: Egress: ECS Cluster ASG SG: Ingress: Egress: Now when I SSH to instance EC2 No 1. Sometimes I have access to MySQL, sometimes no: ec2-user@EC2No1 $…
1 answer

Flask app on ECS that pull images from s3 bucket

I have a flask app that I want to pull images to display from an s3 bucket. How do I implement the credentials parts? what I mean is: Do I use boto3 with aws credentials to pull the images from the bucket? Can I use boto3 without the aws credentials…