After increasing the version, I expected to see this (the existing container parameters and version 11 of the task definition):


However, I got (containers with only default parameters):


I've encountered this maybe five times, but usually it's in the context of complex updates and/or page navigation prior to coming back and observing it. I only just did a simple update and tried to adopt it from a scheduled task and observed it to happen. I'm somewhat always partially on alert nowadays for this happening, so I refreshed the page before changing the versions just in case it was due to stale page state. It didn't help. I've been encountering this for about two years (the beginning of my current stretch of AWS usage).

Note that I just updated the containers of several separate tasks. For the second and third updates, I bumped the version directly in the EventBridge rules, and they both updated fine and showed as updated over in the ECS scheduled tasks. So, the issue only occurs when touching the versions direct from the ECS console.

Dustin Oprea
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