Questions tagged [amazon-ebs]

This is for questions on Amazon's storage service for its ec2 service.

572 questions
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Not a file, not a folder, but a hard link(?) to /bin from another partition - scared to delete

I have a not-quite-folder not-quite-file on my file system. It is an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS. I have a script that runs nightly that picks up a file (/ebsvol/dead-drop/sync) and moves it to (/ebsvol/dead-drop/sync) using Robo,…
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BLKRRPART: Device or resource busy, scale up EBS root volume failed using growpart on AWS

Usually i use growpart to rise up size of my root partition on aws, so that i don't have to reboot For some reason in one of my instances, it doesn't work anymore: # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 993M 4.0K …
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Launch EC2 instance with more than 8G of disk space

It seems that by default EC2 instances get launched with an 8G EBS volume attached. Is there an easy way to launch an instance with a bigger EBS volume?
Jason Swett
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AWS EBS recover data from EBS

I have this t2.micro on my aws account, after a update/reboot i can't log in to my machine thought ssh... I have tried by aws panel, stop and start machine but nothing works... So i created another machine with a new volume, everything is working…
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Why would deleting an incremental snapshot increase the space usage & cost?

Google Cloud Platform From the Google Cloud docs: When you delete a complete or incremental snapshot, some of its data may move to the next incremental snapshot in the…
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Disk with no primary partition mounted on disk-name itself

I have a ec2-machine setup with an EBS attached of size 200 GB. I obtain the following with the commands I perfomed Screnshot for the lsblk and df -hT commands As I could figure out from these, there seems to be no primary partition surprisingly and…
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How to mount a LVM controlled ext4 file system stored on a AWS EBS volume built from a snapshot

I have a ext4 file system that is part of a Logical Volume and the underlying storage is AWS EBS. I took a snapshot of the EBS and then used that to create a new EBS volume and attached it to theEC2 instance. Since this is a binary copy of the…
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Can I delete the snapshots and AMI in zone zone after successfully copying the AMI to another zone?

I have created an AMI in one Asian zone, ap-southeast-1. The related snapshot is saved and of course cannot be deleted. I then copied this AMI to eu-west-1. Can I somehow get rid of the ap snapshots and AMI? I noticed that the snapshot is also…
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EBS backed EC2 instanced stopped, different when started again

I've had an EC2 instance for about a year running a LEMP stack. This week I tried adding a server block to NGINX and weirdness happened. For reference I ssh in as ubuntu, and have never to my knowledge logged in as any other user. First: After…
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Amazon ebs and package installation

I'm totally new on aws, and I was wondering some questions. There is what I understood : Let's imagine I launch a p2.xlarge instance, with ubuntu AMI on it. I got my instance with ubuntu on it. Now let's imagine I install some packages, (I want to…
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Backup strategy on EC2-VPC-AWS

I am new to AWS, we have few AWS EC2 instances. I was wondering what is the best and most cost effective way to take backups. I read the recommended article about EBS snapshots, but it seemed to be very expensive if the server counts go high. I am…
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how to migrate shared mount points to aws

we are planning to migrate to AWS, how do you migrate shared NFS mount points to AWS, we have file systems in them. Is S3 a good choice or EBS, Is there any other way to do this, how have people been traditionally doing this.
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How do AWS Snapshots handle live IO?

I run a small forum on an Amazon EC2 Instance. It uses a 50GB "gp2" volume. From time to time I make a "snapshot" while the server is on. How does the snapshot system handle the site during live file writes? If developers are uploading files thru…
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is there a maximum size limit on the root drive while creating a new EC2 instance?

say, if I setup a windows server 2012 instance, is there a maximum size limit on the C drive?
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Amazon ECS free tier pricing

A quick question, I have two volumes allocated with 30GB and 8GB of space. And now I just reviewed the report and am being charged for 2.756 GB-Mo of usage. Then I read that $0.00 per GB-month of provisioned storage under monthly free tier 30…
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