Questions tagged [amazon-ebs]

This is for questions on Amazon's storage service for its ec2 service.

572 questions
4 answers

Copying an EBS Snapshot to S3 for low-cost storage

Goal: Be able to copy an EBS snapshot to S3 and have it be treated like an arbitrary object that I could download to a local on-prem machine if I so wished. I understand that EBS Snapshots are actually backed by S3 - they just don't show up in a…
1 answer

5.5GB written daily to 1.2GB root volume - 4 times previous levels

Problem: I recently revamped one of my servers, it was tested prior to use, and functions well, however, a few days ago, I noticed approximately 4 times the usual amount of writes to the root volume. This is not a performance issue - the server runs…
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EC2 - Shared Storage - S3FS or EBS?

Building my web service onto EC2 right now and have a single instance behind a load balancer. I will of course cater for multiple instances. My initial idea was to run all the instances a dumb slaves, and use S3 as local storage. For this, I've…
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Mounting an attached ebs volume in EC2

I've created an EC2 instance, created an EBS volume, attached it to the running instance, and successfully ssh'ed into my instance. The drive is attached as /dev/sdf Next, I tried mounting the drive by running: mkdir /testName mount -t ext3 /dev/sdf…
4 answers

How to create EBS based EC2 AMI from scratch?

after Amazon announced the new EBS based AMIs, I'm wondering if it is or will be possible to create new AMIs that are not based on the existing Fedora/Windows AMIs. The documentation says: The easiest method involves starting from an existing…
Tomas Markauskas
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How can I set up an SFTP server backed by S3 (or similar)

I need to set up an SFTP server that, essentially, has very large capacity. I need to give one of our partners SFTP login details to a server where they will upload millions of files, totalling a few hundred Terabytes. I will then be selective and…
Daniel Magliola
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1 answer

How can I access instance storage on a Windows EC2 instance with an ebs root device?

I have created an AMI, but I would like to use instance storage for some scientific programs I want to run. They basically read a bunch of stuff from disk, write it back out to disk and then summarize those results. This needs to be on Windows…
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6 answers

How do I mount an EBS root volume to a windows instance in Amazon EC2

So basically, I created a large windows server for development, and then I created a micro windows server for production. I set up everything how I wanted it on my development server, and then i unmounted the drives, and mounted them to my micro…
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3 answers

Restoring an Amazon EBS RAID0 array from snapshots taken with ec2-consistent-snapshot

I've configured a new MySQL server on Amazon EC2 and decided to store my data on a EBS RAID0 Array. So far so good, and I've tested taking snapshots of those devices with ec2-consistent-snapshot, great. Now, how do you rebuild the array on a new…
Jim Rubenstein
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2 answers

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances very slow at getting accepted/starting

I've recently made a new Ubuntu EBS image on Amazon EC2 and since what I am running isn't of the utmost importance, have decided to run it as a spot instance to take advantage of the lower pricing. What I have come to notice though is that from the…
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3 answers

Amazon AWS Ephemeral disks and RAID1

Some AWS instances have "ephemeral disks" attached, which are much faster than EBS. But ephemeral disks will be blank and uninitialised when your instance is stopped and started. The data on disk generally survives an instance reboot…
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are EBS volumes wiped after use?

I tried to recover some data from an ebs volume on which I accidentally ran wipefs on. I used PhotoRec ( and it got my files back but also a ton of other files that did not belong to me. It got images,…
steve landiss
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2 answers

df shows disk full but ncdu shows only 1.5gb of 8gb used

I am confused. Our EC2 instance is showing that the disk is 98% full. The output from df -Th shows: Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 ext4 7.9G 7.7G 172M 98% / But if I run ncdu to see where the space has…
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1 answer

Why is my AWS instance not reachable?

Yesterday, I created a new instance but I cannot connect to it. Tried pinging it from my computer, online ping sites etc but it is just not reachable. In the AWS console. everything seems to be functioning normally. The reachability check is…
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XFS: no space left on device, (but I have 850GB available!)

I'm using a combination of mdadm, lvm2, and XFS on Amazon EC2. So far, I've had success running a RAID 5 volume built from a number of EBS volumes. The EBS volumes are attached and used with mdadm to create the RAID 5. Then, I use LVM to present the…
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