Questions tagged [amazon-ebs]

This is for questions on Amazon's storage service for its ec2 service.

572 questions
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Unmount Drive without Deleting AWS

How should I unmount a drive well ensuring it wont be deleted? We want to move vol-0de12fb88020aa624 from i-0b727a35caea24013 to i-0dff0911c0ebf45f9 I want to move the volume, do not want copy files from one EBS volume to another EBS volume ?? How…
2 answers

EC2 boot from Multi-Attach Amazon EBS

Assume the following scenario: Create an io2 EBS volume from a snapshot of a running EC2. Enable multi attach and ask many EC2 to boot from this EBS. Every EC2 is the same and I can set up load balancing for them. In short, I want many EC2 to be…
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Web application not serving with Route53 under wifi?

I have a node application running in an Ec2 container on port 443. I've added an Elastic IP to the container. When I reference the Elastic IP or IPv4 DNS in the browser, I can see my application. I added a Loadbalancer and attach it with the IP…
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Is there a tool to conveniently mount&inspect aws ebs volumes?

I am currently in the process of cleaning up some unused EBS volumes in a quite messy AWS account. Before deleting the volumes I want to make sure that nothing vital is being deleted, so I occasionally need to mount the volume and see what is…
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Cannot mount an EBS partition, file system is of type "data"

I have inherited the administration duties on an EC2 instance with a single EBS volume mounted. The device (xvda) is partitioned, with xvda2 mounted as root (/), but I have no idea what is on xvda1, or why it exists. $ lsblk
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resize ext4 volume in amazon linux server : Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock

I updated an EBS volume from 30Gb to 40Gb and I'm having hard time to extend it in the system: root@ip:/home/cpmuser# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT loop0 7:0 0 55.4M 1 loop /snap/core18/2066 loop1 7:1 0…
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Cannot resize XFS partition after volume increase

I have increased the size of my volume from 8GB to 16GB. After resizing the volume, I would like to expand the partition to take on the additional space. However, this operation is failing with data size unchanged, skipping. $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN…
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1 answer

Dockerfile Works Locally But Fails on EB (Elastic Beanstalk) Deploy (PHP 7.3 with OCI8 extension)

Good day, fellow developers! I have been searching for 2 weeks now on how to install the OCI8 PHP extension on Elastic Beanstalk using .ebextensions but sadly I can't search for similar ones. Before I arrived at the conclusion to use .ebextensions,…
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How to create EC2 AMI images with multiple nitro-based volumes attached correctly

I'm using the EC2 image builder to automate the process of creating AMI images for mongoDB servers. This image has two volumes: /data - 100 GB /logs - 10 GB To achieve this setup I've created an image builder recipe with 3 volumes attached (one is…
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EBS target response time increasing before CPU utilization

I'm in a company where we have an elastic beanstalk configuration and it works fine with our CICD. The only issue is that earlier today i ran a stress test (basically just disabled AWS shield and went hammer on the DDOS). Regardless of what we did…
1 answer

Do I need to separate /var and /tmp from the root partition on AWS EC2?

A result of an audit check on the Amazon Linux AMI gave a number of recommendations on the file structure, for example the need to have the root and /var and /tmp on different partitions. Is this still advisable practices in the public cloud world…
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Is AWS Lifecycle Manager the recommended way to back up root EBS drives?

In the AWS backup and recovery guide [1] Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager is listed as a tool to automate creation, retention and deletion of snapshots. However, on page 15, the guide also mentions that root devices should be stopped before the…
1 answer

What kind of AWS volume type should I be using for a small email server?

I've got some very small mail servers for clients (most are less than 20 GB total set) on some t3a nano's. I'm paying through the nose at 10 cents per GB per month for gp2 drives. I know I should downgrade those to the 8 cents per GB gp3's at a…
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EBS Storage was upgraded in the AWS console but not in ec2 ssh

My EBS storage volume for EC2 instance was nearly full then I tried to upgrade from 50gb to 70gb. The upgrade process take a long time, I didn't check how many minute/hours but after some days I see the progress status was completed. Then I tried go…
0 answers

AWS EBS: crashed root volume recovery

I was in situation where I was in need to enlarge EBS volume size, so I did it via AWS Console -> changing from default 8GB to 15GB. Then I followed this tutorial: Next,…