Questions tagged [amazon-ebs]

This is for questions on Amazon's storage service for its ec2 service.

572 questions
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What is AVG I/O request for normal EC2 Instnace with web server on Amazon AWS

I have Amazon Ec2 instance with EBS Volume. Standard EBS Volumes are billed $0.10 per 1 million I/O requests Now I am not able to guess how much is the normal I/O request for normal server. and in MAx case how large it can do. how can i get the…
MOtaro Site
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How to load balance when database and application running on same instance in Amazon EC2

I have the situation where I am running my application and Postgresql database on same Ec2 instance. Data of Postgresql gets saved on another EBS Volume different from the Root volume of the instance. If I want to load balance this setup by…
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EBS full device confusion

I have a 500GB EBS device (/dev/xvdf) mounted to /vol and all data on the box seems to be writing to /vol correctly (see du output below). For some reason /dev/xvda1 is totally full. Any idea what's going on here? $ df -h Filesystem Size Used…
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Which filesystems are better for serving php code (via apache2) on amazons EBS?

I have an Ubuntu EC2 instance on amazon. The instance has an apache2 webserver serving php5 code. I'm using APC for op-code caching, Zend Framework as my framework, and Doctrine 2.2 as my ORM. EDIT START: I know there are other bottlenecks, however…
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Loop the status Result using PowerShell

I have written a script in PowerShell which creates aws ebs snapshot , its working fine without an issue , except i am not able get the Progress status at regular interval to proceed with next step in script. Until unless i dont get update that…
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How do I share all resources between two AWS Root accounts?

We have one person that has been in charge of all AWS resources for our company, including EC2, elastic IPs, EBS storage, etc. Now we want a second person to also have access to ALL the resources in the first persons account. So far we…
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How are EBS-based EC2 instances billed?

I'm working on a project that involves running a lot of spot instances over a short period of time, then terminating the spot reservation and starting the instances with a different AMI. If I reserve 500 spot EBS-backed EC2 instances for a day and…
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Amazon EBS Durability

According to this link: It said: Amazon EBS Snapshot can expect an annual failure rate (AFR) of between 0.1% – 0.5%, where failure refers to a complete loss of the volume. This compares…
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Sync EC2 instances

I know many people have asked how to sync multiple ec2 instances and it seems the usual answer is to store all the assets in S3. Would this still make sense if the only thing I am trying to share between instances are blank text files? Let me give…
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Amazon EBS speed of volume-imaging hot vs offline?

Amazon permits you to image a hot volume -- one that is online and running. Does this come at a cost to image-speeds though? Will it image the volume substantially faster if you take the instance offline?
Evan Carroll
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Which is better - AWS S3 or EBS?

I am trying to create a system where users can upload their data (audio, text) which can run into around 200 MB per user. I am trying to figure out what is the best way to go ahead - using S3 or EBS. Here's what I have found till now based on my…
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Not able to ssh into server after mounting users home on other ebs volume

I have a server which has a low storage problem. What i want is to mount the user ec2-user's home directory that is /home/ec2-user to another attached storage drive which is available at /dev/xvdk and its partitioned as xfs and the partition is…
Saad Masood
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Detatch an EBS volume from one instance and attach to another

If I detatch an EBS volume from an EC2 instance and then attach it to another newly created EC2 instance, would that be okay? If it would work then would I need to install any libraries like PHP, apache, mysql etc again or they'd be installed…
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Discover ec2 usernames for public ami

Is there a way to discover or specify the username I need to use to ssh in to an ec2 instance? I know how to select my key pair, but depending on the ami, you need to use a different username. For example, the official ubuntu images require you to…
Jeroen Ooms
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Amazon EC2 - Does the 160GB drive charges for IOPS?

If I buy a Standard Small EC2 instance, it comes with a 160GB. But does this 160GB drive is an EBS drive? Or simply storage for the OS... And also am I charged for the IOPS on that 160GB drive?
Jonathan Rioux
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