Questions tagged [amazon-cloudfront]

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) offered by Amazon Web Services.

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) offered by Amazon Web Services.

Official page

373 questions
1 answer

mod_authz_basic and CloudFront (was: mod_authz basic Directory vs. Location with vhosts)

I'm having a problem with using Apache basic authentication. I have a single EC2 server sitting behind an AWS elastic load balancer and CloudFront. I run several domains on the machine. I use Apache basic authentication for access to certain areas,…
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Using Cloudfront as a HAProxy backend server using https

I have a CloudFront resource sitting in front of my S3 bucket. It's accessible at — but if I hit — I get a 400 Bad Request. I want to point to CloudFront in my HAProxy configuration, but I can't…
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Cloudfront behaviors with S3, Wordpress backend, and Vue frontend

I'll try to explain my situation and issue as best as I can. Previously I had a wordpress site behind cloudfront. Set up behaviors and that all worked well. Recently I have moved to using my wordpress instance as an api host. I have a Vue build on…
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Second identitcal CloudFront distribution error: CNAMEAlreadyExists

I'm migrating my static website from one AWS account to another. I want to have zero downtime and decided to pull up the whole infrastructure on the second, then just switch the domain name's DNS records to the new hosted zone. The only problem I'm…
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Amazon Cloudfront - Increase data transfer speed like tiktok

I have been trying to setup CDN using Amazon Cloud front. All configurations are done. But when I compare it with tiktok's CDN, tiktok's CDN is able to transfer 3.2 MB file in just 300 miliseconds. screenshot: tiktok CDN speed While Amazon CDN…
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CloudFront distribution from S3 bucket: big "bucket is public" warning. What can go wrong?

I'm moving an existing static website to S3/CloudFront. Following some documentation from AWS, I setup a policy on the S3 bucket to make it public: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid":…
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AWS cost explosion with "first 10 TB / month data transfer out beyond the global free tier"

Our costs have really exploded at AWS for a simple EC2 Wordpress installation (and MySQL RDS service) for bandwidth cost. It is listed on the AWS Bill as: first 10 TB / month data transfer out beyond the global free tier Everything (EC2, RDS, S3) is…
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AWS CloudFront gives 403 error when acessing from registered domain

I have a static website hosted on S3 distributed by CloudFront. If I reach the website through the CloudFront domain ( it works. But when I try to reach the website through the registered domain…
2 answers

Cloudfront for TLS Termination?

I was looking for a cheap AWS service that would terminate TLS and also take care of signing an Amazon certificate for an internal application. I found that I can use Cloudfront with a custom origin pointing to the public IP of an EC2 instance. I…
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AWS Lowest latency infrastructure

I'd like to setup the most correct and lowest latency infrastructure for AWS. I would like to serve static Javascript files over CloudFront, and on top of that - a call to a dynamic server that will return an invocation to a Javascript function that…
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cloudfront infront of elb and proxypreservehost

i have apache config in ec2 instance as: RewriteEngine On ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyRequests On ProxyPass /blog this works until i point my dns record to ELB but not if i change my DNS…
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Suggestions for AWS setup wanted

For my next project, I'm giving AWS and server-less a go, but I'm not sure how to reason about the different AWS services. So here's hoping that someone here has a good feel for it. The project currently consists of three different frontend…
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How to check Amazon cloudfront/S3 changelogs?

Can I see any kind of changelogs? And is it also possible to see the IP addresses (with or without the access tokens) that were used?
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