I have a CloudFront resource sitting in front of my S3 bucket. It's accessible at —


but if I hit —


I get a 400 Bad Request. I want to point to CloudFront in my HAProxy configuration, but I can't use the 443 port because of the above-mentioned issue. Nor can I use the https URL protocol in the server statement.

backend my_cloudfront_app
    http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000
    server my_server <id>.cloudfront.net:443 ssl verify none

How can I hit HTTPS cloudfront from this server block in HAProxy?

2 Answers2


Isn't it the same question as this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62935547/using-cloudfront-as-a-haproxy-backend-server-with-https

I assume You will need to add some infos to the request headers for the cloudfront backend.

This example works with HAProxy 2.0

backend my_cloudfront_app
    http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000

    # Add backend header for cloudfront backend request
    http-request set-header Host <id>.cloudfront.net

    # maybe you will need to add a S3 prefix to the request path
    # http-request set-path <CLOUDFRONT_S3_Prefix>%[path] 

    server my_server <id>.cloudfront.net:443 sni str(<id>.cloudfront.net) ssl verify none
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haproxy assumes the connection to the backend is done via http. In order to connect to a backend via https, you would need a ssl after the ip:port part in the server config:

server micros-amkt-frontend <id>.cloudfront.net:443 ssl verify none

NOTE: I'm including some extra parameters (verify none) I found in an example as I couldn't find further documentation.

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  • I forgot to mention that I've already tried adding a `ssl verify none`. The issue here is that `.cloudfront.net:443` is inaccessible even via a curl, while `https://.cloudfront.net` is – Shubham Kanodia Jul 16 '20 at 15:10
  • Just to clarify, even with curl and using https, `https://.cloudfront.net:443` is not accesible (returns 400 error). Then try forcing the host header in haproxy: `http-request set-header Host .cloudfront.net` without the port or check if CF allows you to add the host header with the port to the list of allowed names (that is probably a security feature, since browsers would not send the default port). – NuTTyX Jul 16 '20 at 15:24
  • `https://.cloudfront.net:443` — curl works `https://.cloudfront.net` — curl works `.cloudfront.net:443` — curl fails – Shubham Kanodia Jul 16 '20 at 16:08
  • Why would CF respond at 443 if you try to reach it without https? – NuTTyX Jul 16 '20 at 18:06