I have been trying to setup CDN using Amazon Cloud front. All configurations are done. But when I compare it with tiktok's CDN, tiktok's CDN is able to transfer 3.2 MB file in just 300 miliseconds. screenshot: tiktok CDN speed

While Amazon CDN transfers 100kb in 700MS. Can someone tell what I am doing wrong? I really need to achieve the same data transfer speed like tiktok.

  • I recommend using CloudFront access logs to debug this type of issue. – jellycsc May 17 '20 at 15:59
  • What's your latency to AWS and TikTok? What protocol / version of TLS does AWS / TT use? Can you post analysis of the connections using https://webpagetest.org/? Please edit your question to provide more details, rather than replying in comments. – Tim May 17 '20 at 19:46

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