Questions tagged [amazon-dynamodb]

32 questions
3 answers

AWS ElastiCache/SimpleQueue vs DynamoDB

I'm wondering about the rationale for using ElastiCache/SimpleQueue vs just having "Cache" and "Queue" tables inside of DynamoDB respectively. It seems that the network latency to the Cache/Queue services would trump a lot of the performance gains,…
2 answers

AWS DynamoDB Cost efficiency

I have to move a business application into the cloud, therefore cost is one of my biggest concerns. DynamoDB seems to be a good option, while a big part of our data is able to migrate from relational database to NoSQL. It's said, AWS DynamoDB is…
1 answer

Using DynamoDB for logging user activity

I am developing a freelancing platform for certain professionals. I was thinking of utilizing the AWS DynamoDB for logging user activity (like posting a job, editing a job etc). Fields would be user_id | ip_address | timestamp | data I would be…
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Timeouts while trying to connect to DynamoDB endpoint

We were performing a test deployment of an application, that utilizes DynamoDB for persistency. A number of tables was created in the us-east region. Then we ran some tests against the application, that resulted in a significant number of writes and…
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Migrating from DynamoDB to RDS

I'm considering the different options available for migrating a DynamoDB Database to RDS. The data structure makes much more sense in a relational format. There are 8 tables with around 1 million documents in each. We have worked out the mapping…
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Drop/Truncate DynamoDB table with AWS Data Pipeline

I have set up a Data Pipeline that imports files from an S3 bucket to a DynamoDB table, based on the predefined example. I want to truncate the table (or drop and create a new one) every time the import job starts. Of course this is possible with…
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Is it possible to use the Free Tier of AWS DynamoDB On Demand?

The DynamoDB On Demand Free Tier documentation describes the free tier as including 25 GB of data storage 2.5 million stream read requests from DynamoDB Streams 1 GB of data transfer out, aggregated across AWS services Since this includes no…
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When happens when I reach max concurrent Lambda functions

I have 200 jsonl (json-lines) files in an s3 bucket. Each file contains 100,000 JSONs to be written into a DynamoDB. I want to use Lambda to download the file from S3, and batch-write it into the DynamoDB (the files already perfectly match the table…
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3 answers

amazon dynamoDB or MySQL for storing large arrays inside each row

I am trying to decide which database I should use for an application I'm making. I was leaning toward dynamoDB because of its scalability, but then I read in the documentation which said: there is a limit of 64 KB on the item size although it…
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Is DynamoDB latency almost the same as RDS latency?

I am exploring using AWS Lambda through Laravel Vapor. Avoiding the use of Redis can save us ~$56/mo (t2.small at ~$24, NAT Gateway at ~$32). Instead of Redis, I plan to use DynamoDB which is much cheaper. Pretty much same thoughts to this thread…
2 answers

Running AWS Lambda in same VPC as DocumentDB or DynamoDB

We are currently running our AWS Lambda's in a VPC due to an earlier architectural decision. We are also using MongoDB Atlas and a peering connection setup between the VPC and Atlas. This obviously is causing longer cold starts with the need of…
0 answers

How do you decouple storage and compute resources without losing the benefits of locally attached storage?

Services like DynamoDB (not specifically, but it was the first that came to mind) provide dynamic scaling on write/read capacity (i.e. compute) as well as storage capacity. This means that you can have a DynamoDB table terabytes in size, with 0…
1 answer

Tradeoffs for naming DynamoDB tables with CloudFormation

I’m creating some dynamodb tables via CloudFormation, which will be accessed by Python lambdas. It looks like I have two choices in naming the tables — let CF do it, and therefore put a whole bunch of random characters on the name, or specify the…
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Convert case of DynamoDB data types in stream or dump

When I dump data from DynamoDB using a data pipeline, it looks like this, with lowercase data types: {"id":{"n":"2918466"},"time":{"n":"1404783111.4180515"},"user":{"s":"46a1dfa6b6b07c72e57fa8c6be657d76cf31b80b"}} but when I stream it with a…
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DynamoDB Streams with Lambda, how to process related messages in order?

I want to use DynamoDB Streams + AWS Lambda to process chat messages. Messages regarding the same conversation user_idX:user_idY (a room) must be processed in order. Global ordering is not important. Assuming that I feed DynamoDB in the correct…
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