Questions tagged [amazon-cloudfront]

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) offered by Amazon Web Services.

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) offered by Amazon Web Services.

Official page

373 questions
4 answers

Should AWS CloudFront *increase* load time for infrequently accessed files?

I am new to CDNs and experimenting with CloudFront. I have set everything up and all appears to be working fine. I can create a static image on a page and access it though my CloudFront distribution. I am using a custom origin (i.e. not an s3…
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1 answer

Configure AWS Cloudfront to log to S3 bucket in another AWS account

I have some AWS Cloudfront distributions spread out across different AWS accounts. I'd like to store the access logs from these distributions in a single S3 bucket in a single AWS account. This is possible, but it isn't documented (that I can…
Garreth McDaid
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2 answers

CloudFront S3 Access denied

I have one account with privilege to manage S3 (S3_User), and another one to manage Cloud Front (Cloud_Front_User). Now, I've created a bucket "bucketname" with S3_User and a distribution with Cloud_Front_User with origin my S3 Bucket. When I tried…
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2 answers

AWS Cloudfront multiple origins - how can we fallback to 2nd origin if not found in the 1st

We're trying to set up a Cloudfront distribution where the default origin is S3, but if the content is not found on S3, we want it to fetch it from an EC2 instance. Can we setup these multiple origins: S3 and EC2 and two behaviors, both defaulting…
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3 answers

Using EC2 as a Cloudfront Origin Server

Amazon has recently added the ability to use any server as an origin server for Cloudfront, removing the original S3 only restriction. My question is- how do I set this up? The AWS web-gui seems to only support the S3 buckets (still), and the ec2…
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1 answer

Is there a need for WAF in static website front with REST API?

I have two webistes -->hosted on s3 , served via Cloudfront static single page App. Then I have , which the front end uses. My company is using WAF solution from thirdparty and current monolith applications are…
1 answer

Why is only index.html available from an S3 bucket served by CloudFront, and nothing else?

I am trying to expose a static site hosted in S3 though CloudFront. The S3 bucket (testyop1) is set to host static websites (not in public mode) and its bucket policy is { "Version": "2008-10-17", "Id": "PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent", …
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1 answer

AWS Cloudfront + Load Balancer, url changes from main domain to load balancer subdomain

My setup is as follows: user types on the browser request goes to AWS CloudFront, which redirects HTTP to HTTPS, and forwards the request to the AWS Elastic LoadBalancer ( LoadBalancer forwards the request to the EC2…
0 answers

What's the best way to simulate being behind China's Great Firewall?

We're having issues with an iOS app of ours that uses in-app purchase to unlock downloadable content - but it seems only from China. We see many negative reviews from China for this reason. Our in app purchase process involves hitting a https server…
3 answers

How to store a Cloudfront custom error page in S3?

I have a Cloudfront plugged on an AWS load balancer. I saw in the AWS documentation that I can customize Cloudfront custom error pages. I tried to store these error pages in S3 as it is recommended in the AWS doc but it doesn't work. The…
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3 answers

Strict-Transport-Security on CloudFront with S3 origin?

My company's site has a static homepage for speed and cost reasons. We use S3 as the origin for CloudFront. Now, we would like to declare Strict-Transport-Security for the entire domain, but S3 seems to not send any headers we specify (beyond ones…
2 answers

Static IP for cloudfront

Is there any way to bind static IP to my cloudfront distribution? I'm wondering if VPC can make that work. I need static IP just to eliminate the problem of allowing in my firewall everytime AWS Cloudfront IP changes.
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1 answer

Using Amazon s3 and Cloudfront what is the best way to set expires headers and cache expiration

We have a huge bucket of photos on s3. We add and remove from this daily but it currently has millions of photos that we don't want to rewrite or update if possible. We have not set any expires headers on these existing photos. I just Spun up…
Tom DeMille
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1 answer

How to map subdomain in CloudFront to the same name in S3?

I have been searching for a way to do the following if someone can enlighten me would be greatly appreciated. e.g. would the following mappings be possible in a single CloudFront instance? =>…
1 answer

AWS CloudFront Default Root Object and subdirectories

I'm hosting a Jekyll blog on S3 and CloudFront. Setting the default document on S3 works fine and all sub folders natively go to index.html. On my CloudFront distribution, I have set the Default Root Object to index.html, but sub directories do not…
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