Questions tagged [aks]

73 questions
0 answers

How to access keyvault data from azure kubernetes?

I am trying to access keyvault data from aks cluster. By following this link The system managed identity section below link is showing for vm scale set instead of aks. So I am trying with user managed identity section. az aks show -g devtest-large…
0 answers

How to monitor aks cluster from grafana dashboard using azure monitor?

I have used this link and tried to setup grafana to fetch data from azure monitoring datasource. But the dashboard provided not showing any details. I did even tested when creating data source. Any suggestions on monitoring aks clusters.
uday kiran
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How to automate complete azure kubernetes environment?

We have azure kubernetes cluster and database managed service in postgres azure flexible servers. Created terraform templates to automate environment setup. But there is no option in azure devops to spin up a new cluster build job. So kept a single…
uday kiran
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How to create new cluster each time from azure pipeline?

Let's say I have a template for aks cluster. Is there anyway we can set in azure devops to create a pipeline, which users will run whenever they want a new cluster and get a new cluster for each run? So that they can run this task whenever they want…
Sara June
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How to access aks service from same vnet?

I have created an aks cluster and deployed an application there and exposed it as a service. Can be accessible through LoadBalancer. To access it internally, I created a windows VM in the same vnet (different subnet) of aks cluster and tried to…
2 answers

Unable to serve images from wordpress site - response is malformed

I'm trying to deploy Wordpress behind Traefik on Azure, using a PersistentVolume backed by Azure Files. For the most part, it works. I could set up wordpress, configure it, access it externally, make content edits, etc. The docker image is the…
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How are Kubernetes persistent volumes related to AzureDisks in AKS?

Say I have One K8s node with Two pods. Each pod claims 5Gi of PV storage. The provisioned AKS VM (node) has a 32GiB SKU SSD AzureDisk data drive. Will/can both of the 5Gi K8s volumes be located on the same AzureDisk? If one AzureDisk is required per…
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ElasticSearch Cluster on AKS with loadbalancer

I am trying to deploy elasticsearch to AKS with a loadbalancer. What I am struggling to achieve is to have a load balancer that only directs traffic to my client nodes. This is what I have: ElasticSearch dployment YAML: apiVersion:…
1 answer

How to create a service connection with access to all namesapces in azure kubernetes pipeline?

I tried to create a service connection to azure kubernetes cluster, but it is asking to provide namespace mandatory. So I provided one namespace and set the cluster admin option selected. And in the release pipeline, using this connection, I tried…
Sara June
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1 answer

How to set flux to deploy latest image tag for every build?

I have added github actions to build a docker image for every latest commit and push it to our container registry in azure. We have created yaml files to deploy the docker image to kubernetes on azure. And deployed flux in to for auto-sync if any…
Sara June
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How to keep conditions in arm template parameters?

I found a template for deploying AKS using Azure template. The template link When I try to run it, it is showing a form field to provide existing CIDR. Is there anyway to keep a drop down so that we can opt for either to create a new vnet or use an…
Sara June
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0 answers

AKS Multiple Nginx Ingress with internal LB

Azure Kubernetes - AKS - K8s version - 1.20.9. Trying to setup multiple nginx ingress with Internal LB. ingress controller with ingress-class - helm install test1 ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \ --set controller.replicaCount=1 \ --set…
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1 answer

How to launch a sql file on kubernetes pod creation?

We have our database either in aws rds or azure postgres or even on a different online server based on customer. But our product will be running in azure kubernetes as a pod and service with database details in configmap. Before we launch our app,…
uday kiran
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0 answers

How to install helm charts to private azure kubernetes clusters?

I have setup a private cluster in azure kubernetes. Due to which, the helm charts are failing to install. error details: Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get…
uday kiran
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0 answers

How to deploy to azure kubernetes using github actions when there is a new tag?

I am trying to connect to cluster and create a namespace using github actions. And then doing the deployment using the yaml files saved in repository. Also, the acr container registry is being used here and creating a tag everytime using the…
uday kiran
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