Questions tagged [azure-application-gateway]

This tag should be used for questions pertaining to Azure Application Gateway in all it's forms (AG, AG v2, WAF and WAF v2)

8 questions
1 answer

Azure App Gateway warning about Public IP

I am using the Azure App Gateway v2 and the App Gateway Ingress Controller as a public frontend to an AKS cluster. Following the guidance in this doc, I created and associated the IP address to my gateway without issue. However, when I inspect the…
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2 answers

How do I build the Hub & Spoke setup when VMs cannot be fronted by Application Gateways outside their virtual network?

Ported from Stackoverflow I am building a Hub & Spoke network topology - described here - as recommended in the Azure docs However when it comes to create the VM in the separate VNet, I get the following when trying to link it to the Application…
0 answers

API Management unreacheble from application gateway

I am trying to move our API Management instance behind the application gateway. I created a private dnszone on which the API management ETC is listening. I created Self Signed certificates for this private DNS zone0. Uploaded the root certificate to…
0 answers

Multiple SSL-certificates for one domain on Azure Application Gateway

We need to use two ssl certificate files on one wild-card domain (* on Azure Application gateway. I already sat up it for using one ssl-cert and it workes fine but I need to add one more cert for it. As I went through the setup I…
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How to access aks service from same vnet?

I have created an aks cluster and deployed an application there and exposed it as a service. Can be accessible through LoadBalancer. To access it internally, I created a windows VM in the same vnet (different subnet) of aks cluster and tried to…
0 answers

Azure Application Gateway Default DNS Suffix

Question What is the correct way to configure an Azure Application Gateway to be able to handle requests which use a host header with only a hostname (i.e. not a fully qualified domain name) due to clients relying on their DNS search suffix list to…
0 answers

Azure Application Gateway Logs Analysis

I would like to know the difference between timeTaken_d and clientResponseTime_d please find the query below AzureDiagnostics | where Category == 'ApplicationGatewayAccessLog' | project timeStamp_t, timeTaken_d, clientResponseTime_d,…
2 answers

MultiSite Azure Application Gateway Error: "Either Data or KeyVaultSecretId must be specified for Certificate"

When adding a second multisite HTTPS listener on an application gateway, I get the below exception: Failed to save configuration changes to application gateway 'MyAppGateway'. Error: Either Data or KeyVaultSecretId must be specified for…
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