Questions tagged [aks]

73 questions
0 answers

Unable to connect aks cluster using github actions, how to fix that?

I am trying to connect to cluster and create a namespace using github actions. For that, I tried these steps. In the link shared above, I first retrieved the azure service principal for connecting aks. az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role…
uday kiran
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1 answer

Custom CRDs not getting deleted in aks cluster, how to delete that?

I have installed consul helm repository to default namespace. Now, want to change it to a custom namespace. So, deleted the help chart using helm uninstall command. Now, when I try to install again, getting error as CRDs are already configured…
uday kiran
  • 46
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0 answers

Feature Microsoft.ContainerService/AutoUpgradePreview is not enabled in AKS

I am trying to create Azure k8s cluster via terraform using Azure Devops. terraform apply is failing with below error, i have tired using the below parameter…
0 answers

ACR geo replication setup for AKS cluster in another region

In our environment we have Primary AKS cluster running in West Europe and we have ACR in the same region. But now we are setting up a DR instance of AKS cluster in the North region. Only AKS cluster only will be planning to provision in the DR…
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How to redirect the port in ingress?

In that ingress section of AKS, we can add routes to multiple application but all having container port as 80 only. With Ingress, our application is using port 8080. But with ingress, even if I keep servicePort as 8080, it is not working. Like,…
Sara June
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Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller Failure using Helm on AKS

When going through the setup of a K8 ingress controller, which is documented here I am unable to get past the step of "Create an Ingress Controller" During the Helm command step and placing the command in debug mode, I see there is a timeout on one…
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What is the right way to assign Network Contributor Role to an AKS cluster via ARM / Bicep template?

I'm trying to configure a Load Balancer for my AKS server using Bicep/ARM. I am using the NGinx Ingress Controller in kubernetes and it does seem to work but when I first spin things up I am encountering an error. Mainly I'm wondering what is the…
1 answer

Use fwmark in iptables on a container running in Azure K8S

I have a weird use case, where a pod running in Azure Kubernetes needs to route traffic from specific ports to specific targets through a dedicated VPN tunnel. But those targets are private IPs and therefore can have the same IP for different…
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AKS with Azure Key Vault - env variables don't load

I'm trying to use secrets from Azure Key Vault in my Kubernetes deployment as env variables and I'm struggling to do so. I'm using Azure pod identity and the secrets get mounted to the file and that works, however I want them to be accessible as env…
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How to install Consul on azure kubernetes with policies enabled?

I have installed azure kubernetes with azure policy enabled. I followed the steps in the getting started guide of consul as is: link But when the consul is deployed, the pods are not deployed. When I checked the replicaset, the error is as…
Sara June
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1 answer

Limit exceeded for cluster creation on Azure Kubernetes, where to cleanup?

I have deleted the old clusters by deleting the resource group completely. But when I try to create a new cluster, I am getting error as limit exceeded. As you can see in the below error. {"code":"InvalidTemplateDeployment","message":"The template…
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0 answers

Deployment not able to spin the hashicorp vault linked containers, how to fix that?

I have followed the steps mentioned in the link Came till the deployment part, last before step. After deployment, the pods status is stuck at creation. kubectl get pods --watch NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS …
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Azure key vault volume not accessible, how to fix that?

I have followed the walkthrough provided in this link And at step 6, I have tried to create a pod with the volume linked to the keyvault. But it is not able to access the volume. kubectl get pods NAME READY …
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istio gateway Not launching internal links, how to fix that?

I have deployed application in kubernetes. It is working if we expose to a default load balancer service in azure kubernetes. But, after setting a virtual service linked with istio ingress gateway, it is launching only the home page, none of the…
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1 answer

How to configure consul to access webpage from Ingress gateway

I am trying to configure ingress gateway for consul deployed in AKS. As per their documentation , I have created a sample deployment and ingress gateway to it. yaml files: github kubectl apply -f static-app/ I changed the static app service from…
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