Questions tagged [aks]

73 questions
0 answers

Azure AKS does not have D2 v4 nodes listed in selection

Want to select D2 v4 (0GB Temp storage) nodes for my AKS node pool, but this node size is not available. Now we are using D2s v3 (16GB temp storage). That temp storage is not used and also is not that cheap (premium p10 ssd). Azure Pricing…
0 answers

Maesh address not resolved in AKS

I'm currently working with migrating a deployment to maesh. In this process I annotated, as required. my service with the maesh label. But trying to curl the service afterwards fails. The old address(in my example) with…
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mysql helm aks keeps crashing

I tried to install mysql using helm chart helm install mysql --set mysqlRootPassword=medone,mysqlUser=mysql,mysqlPassword=medone,mysqlDatabase=profil,persistence.existingClaim=mysql-pv-claim stable/mysql when i tried to connect to the pod it…
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Azure AKS minimize costs for intermittent use

My team is investigating the use of AKS, we do this once a week for a few hours, been working like that for several weeks. So we only need the cluster up for a small block of time every week. Deleting and creating a new cluster every week is not…
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error reading configuration while deploying to aks

I am using Azure devops for regulation CI/CD in my project , i have a kubernetes cluster running through aks(azure kubernetes service) , i have used azure repo and everything and , every required file(viz. azure-pipeline file and services and…
1 answer

How does Azure Loadbalancer work with Azure AKS

I recently tried to figure out how an Azure Loadbalancer in front of an Azure AKS cluster actually routes traffic to the cluster nodes. Our (quite basic) setup: AKS cluster version 1.23.x with the default Azure Loadbalancer in front of it Traefik…
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AKS schedules all pods of replica set on same node

I'm applying a very simple test deployment to my new AKS test cluster. The deployment has a replica set with two replicas of my pod. My AKS cluster has two empty nodes, I expected that each replica on a different node by default for improved failure…
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Alert on Kubernetes application not running in Azure

I am trying to configure azure monitor alerts for a Kubernetes cluster so the administrator is alerted when something is not running. The three conditions, in decreasing order of priority, I need to monitor are: There are Services with no endpoints…
Jan Hudec
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AKS firewall rules

I’ve been deploying a Private AKS cluster. On the subnet where it is supposed to be deployed I’ve assigned an UDR to force all traffic to the internal IP of the Azure Firewall that resides in a peered VNEt aka the hub (in a hub and spoke…
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Cert-manager letsencrypt pending with cert-manager and traefik

i have a cluster on AKS, that is using traefik to serve a simple http service. I'm trying to use letsencrypt, the DNS is setted up and resolves to aks public ip address correctly but all certificate requests becomes stuck and pending, below my…
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AKS - Sporadic Ingress/Routing 502 after adding Windows node

I have some kind of routing issue when adding a Windows node to an AKS cluster locked down to internal network. With 0 Windows node, ingress works fine, and very reliable. Ingress was setup using this instruction:…
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If we disable the AKS log analytics will it affect the AKS deployments or services?

If we disable the AKS monitoring add-on completely for AKS monitoring as mentioned below documents will it affect the AKS deployments or…
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Why nginx is not reaching file in azure blob storage?

Here is the minimal reproducible sample configmap.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nginx-conf data: default: | server { server_name; location /read/ { proxy_pass…
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ETCD snapshots causing etcdserver: leader changed

For a while now we've experienced regular errors from operations on kube API in AKS resulting in etcdserver: leader changed message. From what we've learned there is an ETCD snapshot performed every 2h on AKS resulting in this leader change. This 2h…
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Azure monitor option not available in grafana, how to fix that?

I am trying to integrate azure kubernetes container insights with grafana dashboard. The plugin for that For that, I have installed grafana on an azure cloud ubuntu 20 machine following the steps in this link Allowed 3000 port in azure network…