Questions tagged [blockchain]

31 questions
3 answers

Disadvantages of replacing TCP/IP with blockchain

I read this blog (cached version) (and the related cached tweet) about replacing TCP/IP with blockchain. Tweet: The Internet has a serious fundamental flaw: the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP)—the primary engine…
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How can I verify Keybase's end-to-end encryption between me and a friend?

The premise of end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is that the client is secure and trustworthy, your end devices is secure and trustworthy, but the network and server need not be trusted. You've read all the code in the client, or someone you trust has…
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Are there any specific advantages of using a blockchain tech in the data tier of an organization from a information security perspective?

Blockchain seems to be the most talked about tech topic in 2016. A cryptography powered distributed computing technology that has many potential applications. Are there any specific ways / guidelines already laid out to leverage blockchain…
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How do companies manage & store cryptocurrency private keys?

For an individual, I see a some options for storing private keys, such as printing them on paper in a vault, using a hardware wallet, encrypting and storing on the machine, using AWS Secret Manager, and so on. However, I have a need to create a few…
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Voting w/ SAML + BlockChain

There are a few grass roots initiatives to introduce blockchain as a ledger for election voting. My criticism of the ones I have seen, at the time I saw them, is that they did not adequately address the paradox of anonymity vs identity. Our election…
2 answers

How is "Smart Contract" security different?

I am learning smart contract programming on Ethereum (using Solidity) and realizing that security is highly important here. Why? Because of 2 reasons: they deal with high-stake financial transactions, and smart contracts are immutable once you…
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Use-case for decentralized identifiers (DIDs) with unique identities for each relationship

The W3C working group is working on the standardization of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). I watched a video presentation about DIDs and the presenter mentioned several times the possibility of generating unique pseudonymous identities for each…
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2 answers

Can a document be digitally signed multiple times, successively by different users?

The question is, if a document that is collaboratively edited, one user per time, could be digitally signed by every editor before it is passed to the next editor. And if yes, could the final receiver use the public keys of every editor in reverse…
2 answers

How are UUIDs assigned in P2P protocols

I am learning about P2P in general (mainly blockchain). I know many P2P protocols uses a distributed hash table for node lookup (kademlia) that maps UUIDs of nodes to their addresses. I am curious about the most common way of UUID assignment. Do…
1 answer

Send and receive files in an air-gapped system

Is it possible to have an air-gapped system which can send and receive files? From a high level perspective, I can't seem to figure out how this can work and I am starting to think it is impossible. But before I give up, I thought I should ask the…
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Blockchain + shared unused bandwidth as the proxy front = ddos mitigated?

Pentesting the new webapp that we have developed before having an external source have a go at it and give us a risk assessment. Now we have come to the portion right at the end; DDOS. For the most part guides outlining best practices have been…
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1 answer

How does blockchain client trust other nodes?

If we consider any blockchain based system (bitcoin, for example), how does initial trust setup works? When a new user wants to join blockchain network, how does the client know that it talks to legitimate server? It does not know number of…
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Storing a private key in android/ios keychain encrypted or not

In my app, the user must use a private key to sign a transaction (on a blockchain). (It is quite common) I am facing questions regarding how to store my user's private key on the device. I am to use a keychain module to store the private key in the…
Raphael St
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Ways to encrypt data that will be available to specific clients

I want to store information on the blockchain, but some part of it is private and must be available to selected clients (for example, users who belong to a common company) How can this be done? The only thing that comes to my mind is to encrypt the…
2 answers

Could blockchain be useful for a protocol to verify content from a trusted publisher in the way I'm thinking of?

The problem with static software whitelisting is that in the real world, employees with versatile jobs need to run unexpected programs. Company sets up a whitelist to limit what programs can run - cool, security! But next thing you know someone…
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