Questions tagged [blockchain]

31 questions
2 answers

Use of distributed ledger/blockchain to stop data exfiltration?

If all our identities, our data (emails, pictures) are on distributed ledgers/blockchain, can the use of distributed ledgers/blockchain stop data exfiltration for good?
Nathan Aw
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how to document and check apt inrelease files? are there blockchain records for that?

apt InRelease files update like twice every day, in ubuntu repositories and their mirrors. similarly in ubuntu and debian based distros, and other apt repositories. these files are small text files that contain hashes of other [fresh] text files,…
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Methods to Prove Data Authenticity from Potentially Compromised Sources?

I've been thinking about this problem for some time and I wanted to ask if there are any known methods, or research papers, about how to prove "authenticity" or correctness of data originating from a potentially compromised source (remote server,…
2 answers

Sign records in a database

I have a table in my database where I store records to be processed later (basically orders that need to be invoiced or something similar, but this is not the important part). Since this software runs on-premises, admins control the database and…
0 answers

Blockchain 2FA by sms (wallet code) secure (hack)?

To keep a long story short, I got hacked on my PC by downloading and executing a wrong file. Programs as InterVPN, Cryptobot and HVNC (told by the hacker via google chat) were installed. My accounts (Outlook and Gmail) were taken over. They used my…
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Can/how does blockchain manage ownership and protection of data?

I was wondering, can/should blockchain be used to store data that is insert-only but the data should be readable only to those that where the data was authorized. So I was thinking that a blockchain would have elements except for header information…
1 answer

What is the most secured way to store private key on the client's machine

I'm building the equivalent of a blockchain wallet, it is an end-to-end encryption desktop program, the user (client) must be the only one to know his private key, with this private key, he can send funds or perform some potentially very critical…
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How secure is Libra considering Visa and Mastercard are behind it?

Libra is the upcoming cryptocurrency by Facebook which Facebook claims is supported by variety of tech companies including but not limited to Mastercard, Paypal and Visa. Facebook also enforces a real name policy, and at this stage we all know that…
1 answer

Is it safe to store user's secure pass-code in database with encrypted form while creating bitcoin wallet?

I would like to create a Bitcoin Wallet. Part of the process is to store public and private keys in encrypted form in server database. All keys I am storing is encrypted using user's passcode. 1) Is it safe to store user's passcode in encrypted form…
Sagar Shah
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1 answer

How to make QR Code uncopyable - Scanning of the QR Code at consumer level

I am designing a Consumer Protection System for import products on Blockchain technology. My Client wants to use QR Code instead of Security Tax Stamp. How can we make QR Code uncopyable at the consumer level? Scenario: I went to a shop to buy an…
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0 answers

User specific AES-256 key for file. Retroactive encryption

I may be falling into a classic encryption-problem trap here... I've been developing applications using AES and public/private key encryption for some time so I have a good understanding of straight forward usage, however I wouldn't claim to be a…
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1 answer

How does the blockchain prevent just theft of data?

I have been reading about blockchain for some time. The basic premise of security of the blockchain, as far as I can tell, is that in a very large network, change in the hash value of one block renders every next block as invalid. Moreover, one also…
2 answers

App to prove that an image is not edited

I want to prove that a photo I will take has not been edited. So I am planning to implement an open source app which uses a "strict image authentication" technique using private key cryptography as described in the research paper at…
1 answer

Bypass Censorship and Filtering Using Blockchain Technology

I heard some people and companies (like Telegram) claiming it's possible to bypass censorship & filtering of internet using Blockchain technology, for example to prevent censorship of a certain messenger application. Please take a look at this twit…
1 answer

What are your thoughts on the brave browser?

I have been playing around with it a little bit and going through the specs. What are your thoughts on it? Full disclosure: I am not associated with the project at all. Just a curious user.