Questions tagged [public-key-infrastructure]

A public-key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of hardware, software, people, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates. In cryptography, a PKI is an arrangement that binds public keys with respective user identities by means of a certificate authority (CA). There are three main categories of PKI: Web / SSL certs, corporate networks, and Government ID / ePassport.


The term "public-key infrastructure (PKI)" is an umbrella term to cover many different aspects of the backbone that underpins the system of digital certificates issued by a Certificate Authority. The term PKI contrasts with , which is a competing system for establishing the trusted identity of a key holder.

Here at, we accept questions on all aspects of PKI, from conceptual overview, to software implementation, to practical concerns, to organizational policies.


As its most basic, a PKI is a single certificate authority - a public/private key pair included in a self-signed root certificate, which it uses to sign certificates for end-users; and the clients which consume those certificates.

In practice, real-world deployments of PKIs use several layer of CAs for both security and organizational reasons.

CA heirarchy in a PKI (image credit: "Working with Active Directory Certificate Service via C#"

Data Format Standards

Generally speaking all certificates use the standard for the data format, though the Extended Access Control (EAC) format is used for certificates embedded in the chips of electronic passports.


In addition to the technical requirements of having a self-signed root cert, a Certificate Authority needs to follow a number of strict operational and auditing standards in order to be included in the list of publicly trusted root CAs. For example, here are the lists of root CAs trusted by iOS and Firefox.

The rules of conduct for CAs is maintained by the CA/Browser Forum (CAB). According to wikipedia/CA/Browser_Forum, the CA/Browser forum is:

is a voluntary consortium of certification authorities, vendors of Internet browser software, operating systems, and other PKI-enabled applications that promulgates industry guidelines governing the issuance and management of X.509 v.3 digital certificates that chain to a trust anchor embedded in such applications.

1295 questions
3 answers

How does SSL/TLS work?

How does SSL work? I just realised we don't actually have a definitive answer here, and it's something worth covering. I'd like to see details in terms of: A high level description of the protocol. How the key exchange works. How authenticity,…
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6 answers

What is certificate pinning?

I'm superficially familiar with SSL and what certs do. Recently I saw some discussion on cert pinning but there wasn't a definition. A DDG search didn't turn up anything useful. What is certificate pinning?
7 answers

How do certification authorities store their private root keys?

Knowledge of a CA private key would allow MitM attackers to transparently supplant any certificates signed by that private key. It would also allow cyber criminals to start forging their own trusted certificates and selling them on the black…
11 answers

Is it completely safe to publish an ssh public key?

I use a RSA key to log into remote servers with ssh. And I keep my dot files under version control in a publicly accessible place so that I can quickly setup new servers to work the way I like. Right now I don't have my .ssh directory under version…
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5 answers

How to check if an SSH private key has passphrase or not?

Let's say I have access to the private portion of an RSA key-pair. How can I check if this key has associated passphrase or not?
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8 answers

Certificate based authentication vs Username and Password authentication

What are the advantages and drawbacks of the certificate based authentication over username and password authentication? I know some, but I would appreciate a structured and detailed answer. UPDATE I am interested as well in knowing what attacks are…
4 answers

What is the difference between an X.509 "client certificate" and a normal SSL certificate?

I am setting up a web service through which my company will talk to a number of business customers' services. We will be exchanging information using SOAP. I would like to handle authentication with SSL certificates provided by both parties, but…
4 answers

Can I add a password to an existing private key?

Say I have previously created a private/public key combination, and decided at the time to not protect the private key with a password. If I later decide to "beef up" security and use a password-protected private key instead, would I need to…
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1 answer

How are private keys kept private?

This may sound like a stupid question but seriously how are private keys kept private? If you're someone like Google you have some huge number of servers to which the public can establish secure connections. The * private key is required…
George Hawkins
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10 answers

Why do we not trust an SSL certificate that expired recently?

Every SSL certificate has an expiration date. Now suppose some site's certificate expired an hour ago or a day ago. All the software by default will either just refuse to connect to the site or issue security warnings. This recently happened to…
4 answers

Should I revoke no longer used Let's Encrypt certificates before destroying them?

The Let's Encrypt documentation recommends that when a certificate’s corresponding private key is no longer safe, you should revoke the certificate. But should you do the same if there are no indications that the key is compromised, but you no…
12 answers

How feasible is it for a CA to be hacked? Which default trusted root certificates should I remove?

This question has been revised & clarified significantly since the original version. If we look at each trusted certificate in my Trusted Root store, how much should I trust them? What factors should be taken into consideration when I evaluate the…
6 answers

How does PGP differ from S/MIME?

Is S/MIME an abstracted system for general MIME type encryption, whereas PGP is more for email? Why would I want to choose one over the other, or can I use both at the same time?
7 answers

Why can't you work backwards with public key to decrypt a message?

As the title suggests, I am curious to know why you can't work backwards using a message, public key and encrypted message to work out how to decrypt the message! I don't understand how a message can be encrypted using a key and then how you cannot…
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1 answer

Why is there no certificate error while visiting although it presents a certificate issued to

The following output shows that is presenting a certificate that has been issued to $ openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null > out.txt 2>&1; cat out.txt depth=2 /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global…
Lone Learner
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