Questions tagged [cryptography]

Cryptography is the practice and study of logical means used to achieve information confidentiality, integrity and authenticity. It covers, among other things, encryption (making some data unreadable except for those who know a given secret element, called a key), data hashing (in particular for password storage) and digital signatures (provable integrity and authenticity with non-repudiation).

Cryptography is about ensuring, in a computerized context, the following properties:

  • confidentiality: some information must be stored or transferred without permitting unauthorized entities to read it;
  • integrity: some information must be stored or transferred without allowing any alteration by an unauthorized entity to go unnoticed;
  • authenticity: some information must be stored or transferred in such a way that the originator of the information can be verified, in a way which unauthorized entities cannot falsify.

"Entities" are persons, roles or systems which are supposed to be distinct from each other according to some definition. Cryptography operates in the logical world of computers, from which the physical world is out of reach; in plain words, anybody can buy a PC, so what distinguishes a user from another (as seen through a network or any other communication protocol) is what that user knows. Cryptography calls such knowledge a key: this is a piece of secret data, which is used as parameter to a cryptographic algorithm which implements a cryptographic property with regards to the key.

For instance, symmetric encryption is about transforming some data (possibly a huge file), using a (normally short) key, into an encrypted form which shows no readable structure anymore, but such that the transformation can be reversed (recovering the original data from the encrypted form) if the encryption key is known. In a way, symmetric encryption concentrates confidentiality into the key, which can be short enough to be manageable (e.g. the key might be memorized by a human being, in which case it is called a password).

The cryptographic algorithms themselves are public, if only because nobody can really tell "how much" a given algorithm is secret, since algorithms are often implemented as software or hardware systems which are duplicated into many instances, and the cost of reverse engineering is hard to estimate. A cryptosystem (combination of an algorithm and its key) is then split into the algorithm, which is embodied as an implementation, and a key, for which security can be quantified (e.g. by counting the number of possible keys of a given length).

Cryptography covers the science of designing cryptographic algorithms (cryptology) and of trying to break them (cryptanalysis); it also encompasses the techniques used to apply the algorithms in various situations, in particular implementation as software, and the related subjects (such as performance issues). Some algorithms consist in the assembly of several sub-algorithms in order to obtain higher level properties (e.g. "a bidirectional tunnel for confidential data with verified integrity and mutual authentication"); they are then called protocols.

Commonly used cryptographic algorithms and protocols include, among others:

  • Symmetric encryption: 3DES, AES, RC4, Blowfish
  • Hash functions: SHA-2 (includes SHA-256 and SHA-512), SHA-1, MD5
  • Hashes for passwords: bcrypt, PBKDF2, crypt (and NOT fast or unsalted raw hash functions)
  • Asymmetric encryption: RSA, ElGamal, some Elliptic curve cryptography algorithms
  • Digital signatures: RSA (similar, but not identical to, the RSA for encryption), DSA (as part of the "DSS" standard), ECDSA
  • Data tunneling: TLS (formerly known as "SSL"; when used to convey HTTP requests, the result is known as "HTTPS"), SSH, IPsec
  • Encrypted and/or signed emails: OpenPGP (standard protocol derived from the original PGP software), S/MIME
  • Certificates: X.509, OpenPGP (certificates are about binding identities to public keys, which are themselves used in asymmetric encryption and digital signatures)

On-topic themes also include password management (storage, verification, entropy, breaking techniques such as rainbow tables...), advanced multi-party protocols (electronic voting schemes, digital cash, anonymous browsing...), usage of existing implementations (libraries, hardware accelerators, smartcards...), and so on.

2304 questions
11 answers

How to securely hash passwords?

If I hash passwords before storing them in my database, is that sufficient to prevent them being recovered by anyone? I should point out that this relates only to retrieval directly from the database, and not any other type of attack, such as…
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Do any security experts recommend bcrypt for password storage?

On the surface bcrypt, an 11 year old security algorithm designed for hashing passwords by Niels Provos and David Mazieres, which is based on the initialization function used in the NIST approved blowfish algorithm seems almost too good to be true.…
Sam Saffron
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3 answers

What's the difference between SSL, TLS, and HTTPS?

I get confused with the terms in this area. What is SSL, TLS, and HTTPS? What are the differences between them?
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8 answers

RSA vs. DSA for SSH authentication keys

When generating SSH authentication keys on a Unix/Linux system with ssh-keygen, you're given the choice of creating a RSA or DSA key pair (using -t type). What is the difference between RSA and DSA keys? What would lead someone to choose one over…
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14 answers

How is it possible that people observing an HTTPS connection being established wouldn't know how to decrypt it?

I've often heard it said that if you're logging in to a website - a bank, GMail, whatever - via HTTPS, that the information you transmit is safe from snooping by 3rd parties. I've always been a little confused as to how this could be possible.…
Joshua Carmody
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11 answers

"Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange" in plain English

Can someone explain what the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange algorithm in plain English? I have read that Twitter has implemented this technology which allows two parties to exchange encrypted messages on top of a non-secured channel. How does that…
11 answers

Why shouldn't we roll our own?

Why shouldn't we create our own security schemes? I see a lot of questions around here about custom crypto and custom security mechanisms, especially around password hashing. With that in mind, I'm looking for a canonical answer, with the following…
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7 answers

Password Hashing: add salt + pepper or is salt enough?

Please Note: I'm aware that the proper method for secure password storage hashing is either scrypt or bcrypt. This question isn't for implementation in actual software, it's for my own understanding. Related How to apply a pepper correctly to…
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4 answers

How does Google Authenticator work?

Google Authenticator is an alternative to SMS for 2Step verification, installing an app on Android where the codes will be sent. It works without any connectivity; it even works on plane mode. This is what I don't get. How is it possible that it…
8 answers

Why are salted hashes more secure for password storage?

I know there are many discussions on salted hashes, and I understand that the purpose is to make it impossible to build a rainbow table of all possible hashes (generally up to 7 characters). My understanding is that the random salted values are…
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6 answers

Is Telegram secure?

There is a new WhatsApp-killer application called Telegram. They said that it's open source and that it has a more secure encryption. But they store all the messages in their servers and WhatsApp doesn't store any messages in any server, only a…
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11 answers

Why is Math.random() not designed to be cryptographically secure?

The JavaScript Math.random() function is designed to return a single IEEE floating point value n such that 0 ≤ n < 1. It is (or at least should be) widely known that the output is not cryptographically secure. Most modern implementations use the…
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Recommended # of iterations when using PBKDF2-SHA256?

I'm curious if anyone has any advice or points of reference when it comes to determining how many iterations is 'good enough' when using PBKDF2 (specifically with SHA-256). Certainly, 'good enough' is subjective and hard to define, varies by…
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9 answers

How should I distribute my public key?

I've just started to use GPG and created a public key. It is kind of pointless if no-one knows about it. How should I distribute it? Should I post it on my profile on Facebook and LinkedIn? How about my blog? What are the risks?
Roger C S Wernersson
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4 answers

Is a rand from /dev/urandom secure for a login key?

Lets say I want to create a cookie for a user. Would simply generating a 1024 bit string by using /dev/urandom, and checking if it already exists (looping until I get a unique one) suffice? Should I be generating the key based on something else? Is…
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