Questions tagged [ethereum]

Ethereum is a decentralized platform to run apps on a custom built blockchain.

9 questions
3 answers

Is blockchain security dependent on number of transactions in time?

I have a basic understanding of how blockchain technologies works. I know that in depends on the ledger where are transactions recorded and can be effectivelly verified. No one should be able to modify the ledger because of the cryptographic hash…
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1 answer

Why is it a bad idea to store my ethereum keyfile in my Google Drive / Dropbox etc

I just bought some Ethereum and I'm in the process of moving my ethereum off my exchange into a wallet. Now the recommendation around the web seems to be to get your key file (which contains your address and encrypted private key) and put it on two…
2 answers

Sandbox escape of an isolated turing complete language?

Ethereum's Solidity documentation states: The Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM is the runtime environment for smart contracts in Ethereum. It is not only sandboxed but actually completely isolated, which means that code running inside the EVM has no…
Steve Ellis
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1 answer

Is the Ethereum blockchain truly a tamper-proof way to deploy distributed applications?

The Ethereum website says that it provides a "cryptographically secure, decentralized, tamper-proof network" on which applications written in the Solidity contract language could be deployed. ( Is Ethereum really a way to…
3 answers

Proving that a file existed at a time

How do I acquire the means to prove in the future that I had possission of a file now, without relying on the integrity of a single entity? (I believe one way of doing it would be to put the file through SHA1, and send a minimal amount of Ether…
2 answers

How is "Smart Contract" security different?

I am learning smart contract programming on Ethereum (using Solidity) and realizing that security is highly important here. Why? Because of 2 reasons: they deal with high-stake financial transactions, and smart contracts are immutable once you…
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4 answers

Where to store an important private key?

I run LEMP stack on Ubuntu 18.04. I need to sign / verify transactions for Ethereum real-time. Where can I store the private key for it? Is storing it in .env good enough? It just seems super dangerous but I can't think of a way of me losing that…
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1 answer

Are eavesdropping attacks possible on Ledger Nano S hardware wallets?

Regarding the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet for cryptocurrencies, I've heard it claimed that the private keys for the wallet are securely stored on the physical device and protected even if the PC is infected with malware. However, isn't it…
Simon East
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1 answer

Ways to encrypt data that will be available to specific clients

I want to store information on the blockchain, but some part of it is private and must be available to selected clients (for example, users who belong to a common company) How can this be done? The only thing that comes to my mind is to encrypt the…