Tag: matrix

17 Progression of Matrix Columns 2018-05-16T14:28:24.993

17 Most contributing rows 2018-12-31T15:52:04.570

17 Spot all (anti)diagonals with duplicated values 2019-01-25T10:31:30.437

17 Decomposition of a matrix in \$ SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) \$ 2020-01-14T04:33:07.953

16 Transform a matrix 2016-04-26T21:01:22.050

16 Alternating sign matrix verification 2016-06-21T08:43:04.140

16 Totally Invertible Submatrices 2016-10-24T18:38:10.220

16 Show me some fireworks! 2017-07-04T17:53:01.953

16 2D partitioned cumulative sum 2017-07-26T23:07:11.837

16 Queue Our Decomposition 2017-12-26T21:39:41.397

16 Perfect Squares Without Borders 2018-02-02T19:24:18.433

16 Classify a region by its slope 2018-06-01T17:31:22.103

16 Borderless table 2019-02-05T14:53:10.917

15 Construct a companion matrix 2015-10-04T00:11:33.330

15 Rotate every row and column in a matrix 2016-03-05T20:39:18.977

15 Sorting rectangular matrices 2016-03-24T06:27:12.510

15 Find the submatrix with the smallest mean, 2.0 2017-02-06T14:14:38.810

15 Is the bus load legal? 2018-08-05T17:05:40.080

15 Output the anti-clockwise inward spiral of a 2D array 2018-10-11T17:46:22.473

14 Generate binary matrices which are distinct up to reflections 2016-10-04T20:32:09.457

14 Do Matrix Multiplication! 2016-11-17T17:35:33.043

14 Lists and arrays, part by part 2017-03-31T17:20:05.933

14 Compute the Matrix-Vector 2017-07-28T14:36:48.590

14 Find the greatest line 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

14 Is my kids' alphabet mat properly grouped by colors? 2017-11-23T16:57:49.113

14 Generate all square sub-matrices of a given size 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

14 Are there mountain rings? 2018-05-17T14:23:51.413

13 Matrix Trigonometry 2016-05-05T16:33:22.410

13 Turn this array into a matrix 2016-11-23T20:15:53.433

13 Evaluate a simple spreadsheet 2017-03-27T09:15:41.977

13 Minimal taxicab distance map 2017-08-09T20:27:43.037

13 Fold up a matrix! 2017-10-11T01:53:12.710

13 Characteristic polynomial 2017-12-14T12:42:12.630

13 Compute the Optimal Square Matrix 2018-01-03T10:47:31.250

13 Trim that distracting background off! 2018-10-27T21:55:30.567

13 Binary self-rotation 2019-01-22T09:00:45.513

13 Decompose Commutators 2019-08-16T07:07:38.427

12 Multiply Pauli Matrices 2015-05-10T12:01:33.517

12 Construct a Gaussian Matrix 2016-12-28T23:49:37.040

12 Matrix trace for any matrix through... Bresenham’s line rasterisation 2018-03-23T00:44:10.660

12 Find the Number With the Highest Sum of Neighbors 2018-06-20T13:26:58.510

12 Count the contiguous submatrices 2018-12-31T11:50:53.790

12 Matrix rotation sort 2019-01-17T17:17:26.097

11 Solve a 2x2 Eigensystem 2015-01-25T12:54:35.287

11 Rotate every 2x2 block in a matrix 2016-03-08T18:52:56.280

11 Calculate the Kronecker Product 2016-04-28T12:14:52.373

11 Check if a matrix is a Toeplitz matrix 2017-05-18T05:45:09.720

11 Simple DTMF decoding: find the phone key! 2017-08-19T19:03:28.457

11 Solve a matrix equation by Jacobi's method (Revised) 2017-11-15T14:59:32.233

11 Eigenvalues of a Matrix 2017-11-27T08:58:40.137

11 Odd'em out: letters 2017-11-28T06:57:23.117

11 Sum of replicated matrices 2018-05-23T15:12:46.927

11 Minimal Centrosymmetrization 2018-08-05T21:08:11.787

10 Dot Product of Diagonals 2016-06-10T23:58:02.517

10 Compute the perimeter density matrix 2016-11-09T08:34:44.167

10 Game of Life and Fatigue 2017-06-21T09:53:56.540

10 Unicode rectangles 2017-08-29T10:22:53.387

10 Convergence of a Markov Process 2018-03-07T15:51:23.247

10 There, I fixed it (with rope) 2018-03-08T11:29:10.767

10 The Lonely Islands 2018-04-10T08:46:37.637

10 Whose neighbours are hostile? 2018-09-16T12:16:12.910

10 Matrix Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces 2019-01-11T18:46:26.683

10 Cell phone Charge 2019-02-15T15:04:36.003

10 Euclidean Distance Between Two Matrices 2019-11-17T13:35:46.377

9 Calculate the Kronecker sum of two matrices 2016-04-26T13:16:14.920

9 Find the Matrix Power 2016-04-27T22:49:37.527

9 Index sum and strip my matrix 2016-06-23T21:08:09.490

9 Fill in the grid randomly 2016-10-11T17:11:21.393

9 Code golf a random orthogonal matrix 2016-11-09T23:00:15.367

9 The biggest square 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

9 An array battle with odd secret powers 2019-08-14T06:26:13.707

8 Reduced Row-Echelon Form of a Matrix 2015-10-01T22:50:31.967

8 Find the rows which make each column have one True (was: Knuth's Algorithm X) 2016-11-24T10:36:50.320

8 First spiral, then diagonal 2017-08-30T17:14:38.300

8 Flattened Spiral Permutation Index 2018-02-08T20:50:35.007

8 Can this container hold this much liquid? 2019-02-21T19:25:40.907

7 Rotate matrix rows according to the row above 2017-09-07T21:52:10.093

7 Black Hole challenge from codewars 2019-03-09T13:53:42.043

6 matrix determinant 2012-09-21T11:35:08.673

6 Ordinary Least Squares Regression 2018-09-22T10:11:12.123

6 Find equally-weighted complete graphs 2018-12-30T16:27:30.250

5 Image Smoothie! 2016-10-17T13:20:08.220

5 Expand an Array 2017-10-21T15:49:15.837

5 Saddle points in a matrix 2018-07-03T13:45:58.943

4 Find the last position in a matrix walking like a spiral 2016-04-10T16:35:57.220

4 2D Array Middle Point 2018-07-04T08:38:22.857

3 Count the word from matrix 2017-07-31T14:57:54.197

3 Draw diagonal positions of me squared 2017-08-30T21:56:21.263

3 Boolean Rectangles 2017-08-31T18:12:49.307

3 lexicographically sorted list of index 2017-12-21T12:04:55.660

2 N in a row (or column)! 2016-10-26T12:13:32.470

2 Advent Challenge 7: Balance the storage carts! 2017-12-08T14:42:42.760

2 Array-of-array string conversion to and from matrix 2018-06-01T16:10:44.333

2 Generate square sub-matrices of 1's 2019-10-23T07:01:49.610

0 Beginners 10x10 multiplication matrix 2018-05-28T08:05:15.000

-3 Find the inverse of a matrix 2015-02-04T21:54:35.313

-3 Getting the Vowel Square 2018-04-25T13:10:13.337