Generate all square sub-matrices of a given size


You will be given a square matrix of integers M and another positive integer n, strictly smaller than the size of M. Your task is to generate all square sub-matrices of M of size n.

For the purposes of this challenge, a square sub-matrix is a group of adjacent rows and columns contained in M.

Input / Output Formats

You are free to choose any other reasonable formats, these are just some examples.


  • A matrix in the native matrix type (if your language has one)
  • A 2D array (an array of 1D arrays, each corresponding to one row / one column)
  • A 1D array (since the matrix is always square)
  • A string (you chose the spacing, but please do not abuse this in any way), etc.


  • A matrix of matrices.
  • A 4D array, where each element (3D list) represents the sub-matrices on a row/column.
  • A 3D array, where each element (2D list) represents a sub-matrix.
  • A string representation of the resulting sub-matrices, etc.


  • You may choose to take the size of M as input too. It is guaranteed to be at least 2.
  • The orientation of the output is arbitrary: you may choose to output the sub-matrices as lists of columns or lists of rows, but your choice must be consistent.
  • You can compete in any programming language and can take input and provide output through any standard method, while taking note that these loopholes are forbidden by default.
  • This is , so the shortest submission (in bytes) for every language wins.


Given n = 3 and M:

 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

The possible 3x3 submatrices are:

+-------+        +--------+     1  2  3  4         1  2  3  4
|1  2  3| 4     1| 2  3 4 |     +--------+         +--------+
|5  6  7| 8     5| 6  7 8 |     |5   6  7|8       5| 6  7  8|
|9 10 11|12     9|10 11 12|     |9  10 11|12      9|10 11 12|
+-------+        +--------+     |13 14 15|16     13|14 15 16|
13 14 15 16     13 14 15 16     +--------+         +--------+

So the result would be:

[[[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7], [9, 10, 11]], [[2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8], [10, 11, 12]], [[5, 6, 7], [9, 10, 11], [13, 14, 15]], [[6, 7, 8], [10, 11, 12], [14, 15, 16]]]

As noted above, an output of:

[[[1, 5, 9], [2, 6, 10], [3, 7, 11]], [[2, 6, 10], [3, 7, 11], [4, 8, 12]], [[5, 9, 13], [6, 10, 14], [7, 11, 15]], [[6, 10, 14], [7, 11, 15], [8, 12, 16]]]

would also be acceptable, if you choose to return the sub-matrices as lists of rows instead.

Test cases

The inputs M, n:

[[1,2,3],[5,6,7],[9,10,11]], 1
[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]], 3
[[100,-3,4,6],[12,11,14,8],[0,0,9,3],[34,289,-18,3]], 2
[[100,-3,4,6],[12,11,14,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]], 3

And the corresponding outputs (sub-matrices given as lists of rows):


Or, as lists of columns:


Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 39 774

Sandbox post (now deleted, only users with over 2k reputation can view it). Thanks to everyone who has given feedback. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-02-09T13:27:42.893

So is this output format allowed?

– Luis Mendo – 2018-02-09T17:55:01.913

@LuisMendo Yes, it is allowed. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-02-09T17:56:14.937



05AB1E, 8 bytes


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2F            # 2 times do:
  ε    }      # apply to each element in the input matrix (initially rows)
   Œsù        # get a list of sublists of size input_2
        ø     # transpose (handling columns on the second pass of the loop)


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 50 798


MATL, 4 bytes


Inputs are n, then M.

The output is a matrix, where each column contains all the columns of a submatrix.

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thY    % Address the compiler with a formal, slightly old-fashioned determiner
C      % Convert input to ouput

More seriously, t takes input n implictly and duplicates it on the stack. h concatenates both copies of n, producing the array [n, n]. YC takes input M implicitly, extracts all its [n, n]-size blocks, and arranges them as columns in column-major order. This means that the columns of each block are stacked vertically to form a single column.

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 87 464

1LOL +1 for "formal, slightly old-fashioned pronoun", and a very nice golf. – Giuseppe – 2018-02-09T21:02:40.233

@Giuseppe I just realised it’s a determiner, not a pronoun :-/ – Luis Mendo – 2018-02-10T10:04:04.327

Well, I always learned "thy/your" as possessive pronouns; this is my first time hearing of a determiner! – Giuseppe – 2018-02-12T15:03:16.130

@Giuseppe "Thy/your" are possessive determiners, that is, they go with a name: "This is your car". "Thine/yours" are possessive pronouns, that is, the name is omitted: "This is yours". And I initially confused "thy" with a personal pronoun, which would actually be "thou". What a mess I've made :-) – Luis Mendo – 2018-02-12T15:12:54.660


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 26 bytesSBCS

Anonymous infix lambda taking n as left argument and M as right argument.

{s↓(-s←2⍴⌈¯1+⍺÷2)↓⊢⌺⍺ ⍺⊢⍵}

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{} anonymous lambda where is the left argument and is the right argument:

⊢⍵ yield the right argument ( separates ⍺ ⍺ from )

⊢⌺⍺ ⍺ all -by- submatrices including those overlapping the edges (those are padded with zeros)

()↓ drop the following number elements along the first two dimensions:

  ⍺÷2 half of

  ¯1+ negative one plus that

   round up

  2⍴ cyclically reshape to a list of two elements

  s← store in s (for shards)

  - negate (i.e. drop from the rear)

s↓ drop s elements along the first and second dimensions (from the front)


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 37 779


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 31 bytes

{(1↓2 1 3 4⍉⊖)⍣(4×⌊⍺÷2)⊢⌺⍺ ⍺⊢⍵}

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A different approach than Adám's.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 38 134

Do you intend to provide an explanation (after you've finished golfing of course)? I'd be interested to see how it works (and I don't know APL at all) :) – Emigna – 2018-02-09T13:45:37.987

@Emigna Yeah, if I have time by then. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-02-09T13:46:23.607

Very clever. If you can successfully use dyadic for non-trivial cases, then you have truly mastered array programming. – Adám – 2018-02-09T15:01:07.323

@Adám Uh, although I think this answer is in fact invalid :-( EDIT: Fixed, but now it's 31 bytes long... – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-02-09T15:04:13.690

Feel free to copy the test suite from my submission. – Adám – 2018-02-09T15:12:55.650

@Adám I would, but that's not how I do test suites at all. I'm still golfing this answer BTW. DUH (∪2,⍳4) is the same length as 2 1 3 4 >_> OK looks like there's nothing left to golf. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-02-09T15:15:57.843


R, 75 bytes

function(M,N,S,W=1:N,g=N:S-N)for(i in g)for(j in g)print(M[i+W,j+W,drop=F])

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Takes M, N, and the Size of the matrix.

Prints the resultant matrices to stdout; drop=F is needed so the in the N=1 case the indexing doesn't drop the dim attribute and yields a matrix rather than a vector.


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 21 077


J, 11 8 bytes

-3 bytes thanks to miles


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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 13 815

1This uses 8 bytes <;._3~,~ and uses a hook instead to pair the size with itself, then cuts and boxes each since a matrix of matrices is allowed as output. – miles – 2018-02-10T12:30:10.057

@miles Thanks, it's elegant now! – Galen Ivanov – 2018-02-10T12:45:18.417


Haskell, 67 bytes

m#n|r<-[0..length m-n]=[take n.drop x<$>take n(drop y m)|x<-r,y<-r]

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Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 15 378

Oops! I was too late :) 65 bytes

– Cristian Lupascu – 2018-02-09T15:08:00.520


Jelly, 5 bytes


Uses the 4D output format. For 3D, append a for 6 bytes.

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How it works

Z⁹Ƥ⁺€  Main link. Left argument: M (matrix). Right argument: n (integer)

 ⁹Ƥ    Apply the link to the left to all infixes of length n.
Z        Zip the rows of the infix, transposing rows and columns.
   ⁺€  Map Z⁹Ƥ over all results.


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 196 637

I suggested something similar to user202729 in chat. An alternative 5-byter is ṡ€Zṡ€. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-02-09T15:37:34.523


Brachylog, 13 bytes


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This returns lists of columns.

Technically, tN&s₎\;Ns₎ is a generating predicate which unifies its output with any of those submatrices. We use {…}ᶠ only to expose all possibilities.


 tN&              Call the second argument of the input N
{          }ᶠ     Find all:
    s₎              A substring of the matrix of size N
      \             Transpose that substring
       ;Ns₎         A substring of that transposed substring of size N


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 32 976


Stax, 10 bytes

│Æ☼♂Mqß E╖

Run it

The ascii representation of the same program is


It works like this.

Y               Store the number in the y register
 B              Batch the grid into y rows each
  F             Foreach batch, run the rest of the program
   M            Transpose about the diagonal
    yB          Batch the transposed slices into y rows each
      F         Foreach batch, run the rest of the progoram
       |P       Print a blank line
         M      Transpose inner slice - restoring its original orientation
          mJ    For each row in the inner grid, output joined by spaces


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 8 616


JavaScript (ES6), 91 bytes

Takes input in currying syntax (a)(n). Returns the results as lists of rows.


Test cases

let f =


  [ [[1,2,3],[5,6,7],[9,10,11]], 1 ],
  [ [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]], 3 ],
  [ [[100,-3,4,6],[12,11,14,8],[0,0,9,3],[34,289,-18,3]], 2 ],
  [ [[100,-3,4,6],[12,11,14,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]], 3]
.forEach(([m, a]) => console.log(JSON.stringify(f(m)(a))))


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 111 334


APL (Dyalog Classic), 24 23 bytes


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the result is a matrix of matrices, though Dyalog's output formatting doesn't make that very obvious

input the matrix (), turn each element into a nested matrix of its own (⍪¨), take prefix concatenations by row (,\) and by column (⍪⍀), input n (), drop the first n-1 rows and columns of nested matrices ((¯1-t←-2⍴⎕)↓), take the bottom right n-by-n corner from each matrix (t∘↑¨)

                                        │a│ab│abc│      ┼──┼───┤        ┼──┼───┤
 n=2       ┌─┬─┬─┐      ┌─┬──┬───┐      ├─┼──┼───┤      │ab│abc│        │ab│ bc│
┌───┐      │a│b│c│      │a│ab│bac│      │a│ab│abc│      │de│def│        │de│ ef│
│abc│  ⍪¨  ├─┼─┼─┤  ,\  ├─┼──┼───┤  ⍪⍀  │d│de│def│ 1 1↓ ┼──┼───┤¯2 ¯2∘↑¨┼──┼───┤
│def│ ---> │d│e│f│ ---> │d│de│edf│ ---> ├─┼──┼───┤ ---> │ab│abc│  --->  │  │   │
│ghi│      ├─┼─┼─┤      ├─┼──┼───┤      │a│ab│abc│      │de│def│        │de│ ef│
└───┘      │g│h│i│      │g│gh│hgi│      │d│de│def│      │gh│ghi│        │gh│ hi│
           └─┴─┴─┘      └─┴──┴───┘      │g│gh│ghi│      ┴──┴───┘        ┴──┴───┘


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 11 449


Ruby, 63 bytes


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This is a lambda taking a 2D array and an int, returning a 3D array.


  a = m.size - n + 1     # The count of rows in m that can be a first row in a submatrix
  (0...a*a).map{ |b|     # There will be a*a submatrices
    m[b/a,n].map{ |r|    # Take each possible set of n rows
      r[b%a,n]           # And each possible set of n columns


Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 801


Python 2, 91 bytes

lambda a,n:(lambda R:[[r[i:i+n]for r in a[j:j+n]]for i in R for j in R])(range(len(a)+1-n))

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Chas Brown

Posted 2018-02-09T13:27:38.427

Reputation: 8 959

def f(a,n):R=range(len(a)+1-n);print[[r[i:i+n]for r in a[j:j+n]]for i in R for j in R] saves five. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-02-10T15:34:40.430