Find the greatest line



You will be given a 2-D array A of integers, and a length N. Your task is to find within the array the straight line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) of N elements that yields the highest total sum, and return that sum.


 N = 3, A = 
 3    3    7    9    3
 2    2   10    4    1
 7    7    2    5    0
 2    1    4    1    3

This array has 34 valid lines, including

 [3]   3    7    9    3
 [2]   2   10    4    1
 [7]   7    2    5    0
  2    1    4    1    3       [3,2,7] = 12
  3    3    7    9    3
  2    2   10    4    1
  7    7   [2]  [5]  [0]
  2    1    4    1    3       [2,5,0] = 7
  3    3   [7]   9    3
  2    2   10   [4]   1
  7    7    2    5   [0]
  2    1    4    1    3       [7,4,0] = 11

The maximum line is

 3    3    7   [9]   3
 2    2  [10]   4    1
 7   [7]   2    5    0
 2    1    4    1    3        [7,10,9] = 26

Note: lines may not wrap around the edges of the array.


  • A X by Y 2-D array A, with X,Y > 0. Each element of the array contains an integer value which may be positive, zero or negative. You may accept this array in an alternative format (e.g. list of 1-D arrays) if you wish.
  • A single, positive integer N, no greater than max(X,Y).


  • A single value representing the maximal line sum that can be found in the array. Note that you do not need to provide the individual elements of that line or where it is located.

Test cases

N = 4, A = 
-88    4  -26   14  -90
-48   17  -45  -70   85
 22  -52   87  -23   22
-20  -68  -51  -61   41
Output = 58

N = 4, A =
 9    4   14    7
 6   15    1   12
 3   10    8   13
16    5   11    2
Output = 34

N = 1, A = 
Output = -2

N = 3, A =
1    2    3    4    5
Output = 12

N = 3, A = 
-10   -5    4
 -3    0   -7
-11   -3   -2
Output = -5 


Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 1 391

Could you add a test case where the resulting output is negative? Like [[-10, -5, 4],[-3, 0, -7],[-11,-3,-2]] -> -5 (4 + -7 + -2) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-10-17T08:01:24.753

@KevinCruijssen Sure, added – user2390246 – 2017-10-17T08:16:58.910

1By the way: all answers with an explanation will gain an upvote from me, but otherwise I have no way of judging languages that I'm not familiar with (and that's most of them). – user2390246 – 2017-10-17T10:24:12.227



Jelly, 15 bytes


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How it works

,ZṚ¥;ŒD$+⁹\€€FṀ  Main link. Left argument: M (matrix). Right argument: n (integer)

 ZṚ¥             Zip/transpose and reverse M. This is equivalent to rotating M 90°
,                Pair M and the result to the right.
    ;ŒD$         Append the diagonals of both matrices to the pair.
        +⁹\€€    Take the sums of length n of each flat array.
             FṀ  Flatten and take the maximum.


Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 196 637

Nice abuse of ¥ there... – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-10-16T18:17:10.237

For future (new) users: $ creates a monad from ZṚ, while ¥ creates a dyad from ZṚ which returns the result of the same function (rotate 90 CCW) applied on its left operand. Which matches the pattern + × and evaluate v+(λ×ρ) (it is v = v , (M ZṚ¥ n) in this case). However just use $ doesn't work because there is no + F pattern in dyadic chain. – user202729 – 2017-10-17T00:56:09.327


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 73 bytes


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How it works

Takes first N and then the matrix A as input.

Join@@Partition[#2,{#,#},1,1,-∞] finds every N by N submatrix of the matrix A, padded with -∞ where necessary to ensure that lines running out of the grid will be out of the running.

For each of those blocks we compute Tr/@Join[#,#,{#,Reverse@#}]: the trace (i.e. sum) of each row, the trace (i.e. sum) of each column, the trace (actually the trace, for the first time in the history of Mathematica code golfing) of the block, and the trace of the block reversed. # is Transpose@#.

Then we find the Max of all of these.

Misha Lavrov

Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 4 846

For most inputs, the 57-byte Max@BlockMap[Tr/@Join[#,#,{#,Reverse@#}]&,#2,{#,#},1]& also works. But we need to pad with -∞ to handle cases where A has fewer than N rows or columns, and BlockMap doesn't support padding. – Misha Lavrov – 2017-10-17T00:36:50.717

1For TIO-friendly version (Mathematica script mode): The character U+F3C7 (\[Transpose]) can be typed in as \:f3c7. – user202729 – 2017-10-17T01:07:21.873

3Also I believe it is not the first time Tr is used as trace. – user202729 – 2017-10-17T01:10:22.563

Thanks! And when I'm not exaggerating, I'm sure using Tr as the trace of a matrix has come up before, but it's still rare and surprising. – Misha Lavrov – 2017-10-17T01:12:28.503


I know I've said that before, but non-ASCII code should work just fine now. Try it online!

– Dennis – 2017-10-17T01:31:28.533

Is that new? I feel like I tried an hour ago and it didn't work, but maybe I just made a mistake. – Misha Lavrov – 2017-10-17T01:35:13.423

It didn't work an hour ago. I'm using a workaround to make TIO's Mathematica accept UTF-8 code, but that broke with the update to 11.2.0. I just fixed it again. – Dennis – 2017-10-17T01:37:02.620

Well, thank you for making the workaround work: we all appreciate it, as do our byte counts. – Misha Lavrov – 2017-10-17T01:39:50.913

If anything else doesn't work as it should, please feel free to leave me a message in

– Dennis – 2017-10-17T01:44:25.010


Mathematica, 135 123 bytes


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Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 15 931

Some optimizations: Diagonal[s,#] to s~Diagonal~#, and {{Transpose@#,#2},{Reverse@#,#2}} to {#|#2,Reverse@#|#2}. (The unprintable is U+F3C7 = \[Transpose]; TIO doesn't seem to like this, though. Alternative: {Transpose@#|#2,Reverse@#|#2}) – JungHwan Min – 2017-10-16T20:56:32.190

@JungHwanMin It's not TIO's fault, Mathematica on TIO is run in script mode, which only support ASCII. You need to type \[Transpose] or \:f3c7 (at least the latter is shorter than Thread@) However if the answer is Mathematica REPL (not Mathematica script) you can assume the 3-byte solution. – user202729 – 2017-10-17T01:06:13.190

@user202729 Thanks, didn't know! – JungHwan Min – 2017-10-17T01:19:26.343


Jelly, 16 bytes


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Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 26 575

Wow our solutions are nearly identical... Mine was µ;Z;UŒD$;ŒDṡ€⁴ẎS€Ṁ – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-10-16T17:01:46.690

@Mr.Xcoder Oh wow cool :P – HyperNeutrino – 2017-10-16T17:35:04.443


JavaScript, 151 129 bytes


Curry function takes two arguments, first one is an array of array of numbers, second one is a number.

Thanks to Arnauld, save 20+ bytes.


<p><label>N = <input id="N" type="number" min="1" value="3" /></label></p>
<p><label>A = <textarea id="A" style="width: 400px; height: 200px;"> 3    3    7    9    3
 2    2   10    4    1
 7    7    2    5    0
 2    1    4    1    3
<input value="Run" type="button" onclick="O.value=f(A.value.split('\n').filter(x=>x.trim()).map(x=>x.trim().split(/\s+/).map(Number)))(+N.value)" />
<p>Result = <output id="O"></output></p>


Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 13 072

1/s instead of s==s should work as expected. – Arnauld – 2017-10-17T14:56:02.067

Getting rid of both eval's: 130 bytes

– Arnauld – 2017-10-17T15:31:52.147

@Arnauld Thanks. And change (s=(g=...)(n))>m?s:m to (g=...)(n)>m?g(n):m save 1 byte. – tsh – 2017-10-18T01:06:22.677


Jq 1.5, 211 bytes

def R:reverse;def U:[range(length)as$j|.[$j][$j:]]|transpose|map(map(select(.))|select(length>=N));def D:U+([R[]|R]|U|map(R)[1:]);[A|.,transpose,D,(map(R)|D)|.[]|range(length-N+1)as$i|.[$i:$i+N]]|max_by(add)|add

Expects input in N and A, e.g:

def N: 3;
def A: [
  [ 3, 3,  7, 9, 3 ],
  [ 2, 2, 10, 4, 1 ],
  [ 7, 7,  2, 5, 0 ],
  [ 2, 1,  4, 1, 3 ]


def chunks:      .[] | range(length-N+1) as $i | .[$i:$i+N] ;
def flip:        [ reverse[] | reverse ] ;
def upperdiag:   [ range(length) as $j | .[$j][$j:] ] | transpose | map(map(select(.))|select(length>=N)) ;
def lowerdiag:   flip | upperdiag | map(reverse)[1:] ;
def diag:        upperdiag + lowerdiag ;
def allchunks:   A | ., transpose, diag, (map(reverse)|diag) | chunks ;


Note this challenge is basically the same as Project Euler problem 11

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Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 411


Python 2, 208 184 183 176 bytes

  • Saved 24 bytes by using -float("inf") to represent that the checked line reached outside the matrix instead of computing the negative sum of all matrix elements.
  • Saved a byte by defining R,L=range,len to shorten built-in functions and using y in R(L(A))...R(L(A[y])) instead of y,Y in e(A)...x,_ in e(Y).
  • Saved seven bytes by golfing float("inf") to 9e999.
lambda N,A:max(sum(A[y+q*j][x+p*j]if-1<x+p*j<L(A[y])>-1<y+q*j<L(A)else-9e999for j in R(N))for y in R(L(A))for x in R(L(A[y]))for p,q in[(1,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,-1)]);R,L=range,len

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lambda N,A:                                                                                                                                                       ;R,L=range,len # lambda function, golfed built-ins
           max(                                                                                                                                                  )               # return the maximum line sum
                                                                                          for y in R(L(A))                                                                       # loop through matrix rows
                                                                                                          for x in R(L(A[y]))                                                    # loop through matrix columns
                                                                                                                             for p,q in[(1,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,-1)]                # loop through four directions; east, south, south-east, north-east
               sum(                                                                      )                                                                                       # matrix line sum
                                                                            for j in R(N)                                                                                        # loop through line indices
                                  if-1<x+p*j<L(A[y])>-1<y+q*j<L(A)                                                                                                               # coordinates inside the matrix?
                   A[y+q*j][x+p*j]                                                                                                                                               # true; look at the matrix element
                                                                  else-9e999                                                                                                     # false; this line cannot be counted, max(...) will not return this line

Jonathan Frech

Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 6 681


R, 199 bytes

'if'(i>nrow(m)|j>ncol(m),NA,max(c(v(m[i,x]),v(m[y,j]),v(m[b(y,x)]),v(m[b(y,rev(x))]),f(m,n,i+1,j),f(m,n,i,j+1)), na.rm=T))}

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A recursive solution. For each element (i,j) of the matrix it returns the max between the sum along the row, the sum along the column, the sum along either diagonal, and the result of the function applied to (i+1,j) and (i,j+1). Results for the test cases are shown in the TIO.


Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 754

I hope I missed it, but R seems to be lacking a base function to compute the trace of a square matrix. – NofP – 2017-10-28T23:57:22.350

Haven't worked out if it would save you bytes, but you can use sum(diag(m)) for the trace – user2390246 – 2017-10-29T08:59:26.950


Husk, 14 bytes


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Thanks to the new anti∂iagonals builtin this is a quite short answer :)


Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 8 482


JavaScript 170 bytes

still wip on the golf part added 4 more chars because i didnt managed a case where the max is negative and N is bigger than 1

G=(A,N)=>eval(`for(y in m=M,A)
for(x in R=A[y])

console.log(G([ [3,3,7,9,3],


console.log(G([[1,2,3,4,5]],3) ==12)


Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 1 220

@HermanLauenstein i remove the spaces but added more coverage which added in total more chars, but thx :) – DanielIndie – 2017-10-16T18:00:09.377

164 bytes by removing unnecessary newlines (G= is not counted) – Herman L – 2017-10-16T18:03:00.783

Why did you use a||M,b||M,c||M,d||M instead of a,b,c,d? – Herman L – 2017-10-16T18:11:41.700

@HermanLauenstein Math.max(NaN/undefined, 6) = NaN – DanielIndie – 2017-10-16T19:15:30.977


Python 2, 222 218 bytes

for l in a:l+=Q
print max(sum(x)for y in[zip(*[(a[j][i+k],a[j+k][i],a[j+k][i+k],a[j+k][i+n+~k])for k in R(n)])for j in R(len(a)-n)for i in R(W)]for x in y if''not in x)

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Posted 2017-10-16T16:22:18.727

Reputation: 19 246

Possible 219 bytes.

– Jonathan Frech – 2017-10-17T10:22:50.443

Possible 218 bytes.

– Jonathan Frech – 2017-10-17T11:13:59.230